Chapter 15

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The air smelt light and fresh as I fluttered open as I noticed I was floating on lake, I look around to see clouds all around it was a magnificent sight to see. I touched the water only to feel the rift of a smooth silky texture, yet my body is dry.

"Hello, my dear" a soft voice spoke as I looked it was the same woman who spoke to me when I was imprisoned in the mirror world. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop the war" I whispered as I held my knees close to my chest. Knowing I will never be able to touch Leonardo again, to feel his body near mine, to smell his husky scent and see those enchanting eyes again... there was so many memories yet to be made...

"Do not fear my child you will once more be able to be with your mate... but since Helena curse you as a baby sealing your powers. I am now able to fully awaken you as an angel again and be able to reunite you with the heavens. Your human soul has now departed from your body and is currently being replaced with immortality, during the next stages you will feel immense pain as you begin your transformation in this world" she spoke as I felt as though a flame had reignited within.

I simply nodded with a smile as I closed my eyes beginning to feeling intense pain, I try not to let out a scream as the clothes on my body suddenly incinerate leaving me bare as the water then surrounds me taking me deep within I am able to breathe but can no longer contain my screams as the burning sensation arises, it was as though my body was being ripped apart feeling the pain in my back grow and continue for what felt like hours.

"Your almost done my child hold on a bit longer"

I let out one more earth shattering scream as the sudden pain is now gone, I'm left with a bursting sensation of relaxation. I then look to my back as I see something too extraordinary, my eyes widen as I see the most dazzling pair of white wings I move them slightly but wince as they were too fresh to move. "Congratulation you have become one with the heavens" she smiled gently as she held out her hand helping me up. My large wings covered my exposed body.

The goddess proceeds to hand me a mirror as I hold it, I see my reflection and gasp as my features from my face, hair and body have now changed.

"You now appear as you would if you had not been cursed, this is your true angel form... I can tell it's to your liking" she smiled. My hair was twice the length just below my bum, it was thick and silky, the color was a satin white that sparkled in the light, my body looked more curved and slenderer, my height remained the same but my breasts appeared to be slightly larger.

"Here before you can go back to your mate you will need some clothing" she then began to forge a dress using her magic "A dress from the goddess of the light" it was beautiful.

"now I must warn you... when you return you must stop him from causing anymore destruction" she spoke as I glanced to her "stop who?"

"The beast, he has powers I fear to speak of... after seeing your death he has summoned creatures far beyond my powers and raised hell on earth, he had kept his beast at bay for centuries but they have now caused darkness and chaos. You must stop him before the gods try to execute him once more" she warned me as I nodded

"I'm ready, send me back."

Leonardo's P.O.V

As she fell to the ground I immediately held her gently before impact, my heart began to beat faster as my breathing became uneven, the dagger turned into ash as I pulled it out, long ago I rid the world of this metal as the gods thought it could be advantage over me but I had not been affected in the slightest, the metal could not even pierce my skin but to another magical creature could kill them within moments of it being impaled.

My eyes turned black as I heard Helena's cackle as she watched Elaine fall, "It was either you or her" she continued to laugh then immediately stopped as she began to look horrified. My darkest of powers that I had at bay for nearly 500 years have been released I immediately began to transform as I walked towards her slowly after placing Elaine in Fiona's arms,

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