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TRIGGER WARNINGS: sexual and physical assault, suicidal thoughts, and child endangerment.

Please do not read on if you are not familiar with dark-themed books.


What is reality?

I'd rather it be a utopian concept, to jam my head into the neurock and lie on a beach somewhere with Eric until my brain turned to mush. Or maybe I'd dance until I grow tired. Or go to a Jonas Brothers concert like I always wanted to and sing until my throat hurt. Though my bodyguard would complain, he'd go with me anyway. No matter what, he was there, and I felt somewhat safe.

It's funny to think that even then, when he'd look at me in disgust and order me around like I was a nuisance, he was falling in love with me. He had a terrible way of showing it, that's for sure. Each cruel word from him carved a deeper hole within me where he was supposed to be. Who said romance was dead? No, this kind of romance comes in the form of a tall, dark-haired bodyguard with far too many tattoos and an attitude that would make a granny squirm.

At least now I know how Eric feels. He'd shattered his heart for me to see each fragment that I owned. Each piece had a moment, a forbidden opportunity, which had drawn us to each other, until the broken parts of our souls stitched together when we said those three powerful words.

I love you. I love you so much it hurts.

If I had the chance to, I'd probably put on the mind manipulating helmet and dream of a full day in bed, lying in my boyfriend's arms, talking and getting excited about a future we were allowed to have. We'd talk about the next step in our relationship, what we'd say to my parents when he'd propose, who would stand by our sides while getting married. We'd have a girl named Kenna, and if Eric ever agreed to it without grimacing, a boy named Oakley.

Danielle Osprey. Kenna and Oakley Osprey. All three of us would be Eric's, and he'd be ours.

A dream. A ridiculous dream that I can never have.

But this is our existence and life. Us, apart, him hunting for me while I lie on my side and will my lungs to keep expanding and contracting. There is no way to ignore the pain, the crushing sensation around my bound wrists. So I lie still, keeping my eyes closed, and trying to let my imagination take me somewhere else.

I can't.

Because this is my reality.

It used to be love, family, friends, and safety. Always having all four things close to me. I was secluded from the real world, but at least I wasn't in any danger. I was still able to go to dance class, perform on stage, and spend time with my friends, albeit surrounded by men in suits, but at least I was living.

Whether I was watching Harry Potter with an old version of Robbie, sitting with Belinda while she made dinner, going away on weekend trips with Mum, and laughing with Ains when she said something ridiculous, it was my life.

Although I'm far too in love with my bodyguard to even contemplate being with Robbie again, I want my life back. I took it, and everyone else, for granted. It was enough.

It was being a teenager, ignoring my dad's rules and sneaking out of the manor. It was arguing with Eric Osprey every chance I had just so we had some sort of communication. It was having unlimited money, drivers, housing staff, and security.

Now, it's a gripping pain in my heart from losing everything. It's a secret not passing my lips, not daring to admit who I truly love in fear of what my dad will do. Two minds, bodies, and souls playing a game of tug of war until they clash. It's a forbidden kiss. A dangerous love. An unimaginable ache in both our hearts.

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