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Five years ago

"Tell me again why we are lying here?"

The grass is itchy, the cold from the layer of snow is biting my skin through my clothes. I'm certain my nose is bright red, along with my cheeks and ears.

Robbie laughs, his pale green eyes dancing. "I read somewhere that memories last forever and are a great way to remember a lover. So, I want to make as many with you as possible. You know." He shrugs. "Just in case."

"Since when are you cheesy?"

He narrows his eyes at me. "It's not cheesy. I just want you to have loads of cute memories to remember me by."

Tutting, I shake my head. "You're saying that as if you're going to be the one who dies first."

Robbie chuckles. "I might."

I roll my eyes. "So you want to have a memory of us freezing our arses off while we lie in your garden, staring at the stars?"

He tosses snow at me. "Yep."

In the silence, we stay as we are, hands intertwined and generating some heat in the snow. Robbie shoves them into his coat pocket. Kisses my cheek, and tells me I look beautiful. I blush as my eyes search the night sky for a shooting star to make a wish.

What would I even wish for? Technically, I have everything I could ever need. Thanks to my dad's business, we have money and a home. We have security to keep us safe, and get to travel the world when my dad has meetings. I have a boyfriend who I love. A best friend who keeps me on my toes. I have Belinda and Frank. My dog. My books. My dancing studio.

I'm happy.

Then why does something feel missing?

Maybe I'll ask the shooting star what it is that's causing this empty feeling, so I can find it myself.

"Do you remember when I first met your dad?" Robbie asks, breaking me from my inner battle of annoying confusion.

"God, yes. That was horrible," I reply with a giggle. "I thought he was going to ground me for the rest of my life and tell you to move to another country. He basically interrogated you with three guards!"

He snorts, bringing our linked fingers to his mouth and tracing them with his lips. "He definitely wanted to crush my skull." A knuckle kiss, and he shoves our hands back into his pocket. "Or shoot me. One of the two."

"Surprised he hasn't yet."

Robbie laughs beside me, both still watching the starry sky. It's so calm. I understand why he does this himself when I'm not here. Robbie is running his thumb against my cold skin. They're nearly numb, but I like it.

I like this with him. It's comfortable.

I really don't mind being chilly. When we get back into Robbie's place, he'll warm me up with a blanket and his body. That's the best part of our night's ending. Cuddles, a cup of tea, and a kiss to take my breath away.

In a few hours, that moody idiot Eric will take me home and annoy me until I'm fully packed. I need to fly with him to Paris, while my parents are there on a business trip. Since I've been told Robbie can't come with me, I need to spend the entire week with my bodyguard, both fighting the urge not to throttle the other.

I'll just pretend he isn't there. Or at least try to.

"How long do you think it'll be until your dad warms to me? How can I ask for your hand in marriage if he wants to put a bullet in my chest when I walk into the same room as him?"

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