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"Do you have everything?" Harden asks me as I feel us land.

"Yes, everything is packed," I assure him. I take off my seatbelt and follow him to the parked truck Miles arranged for us. The drive to the house is long and relaxing. My eyes scan the house in front of me.

"This is our house?"

"Yeah, for the next few months at least."

I smile at the beautiful house. It's huge. I know Miles is rich, but I don't know how he can afford to keep buying these kinds of houses everywhere. I follow Harden as he unlocks the front door. I stand stunned at the beautiful room.

"This way," Harden says breaking me from my trance. I follow him up the stairs and into a massive room. We both put our clothes away.

"I'm tired," I tell him when we're done.

"How about we get a snack then go to sleep." He suggests. I follow him to the kitchen and he grabs an orange while I eat some chips. After around ten minutes we head back to the room and collapsed onto the bed and fall asleep.

"Harden, wake up," I say shaking him.

"What?" He asks looking over at the alarm clock, seeing that it's 2:39 in the morning.

"I think I heard something downstairs," I say making him shoot up quickly. He grabs his gun from the nightstand and slowly walks to the door.

"Stay in here. If something happens, there's a gun in the closet." He tells me, earning a quick nod. I stay still for a few minutes but jump when I hear a gunshot. I run to the closet, grab the gun, and run out the door. I slowly walk down the stairs and see Harden standing over a lifeless body.

"What happened?" I ask while putting the safety on my gun.

"This guy was searching the rooms, then pulled his gun on me. You see this tattoo here? That means he's a part of the Taylor Mafia." He informs me. I feel myself tense.

"You go upstairs, I'm going to take care of this." I reluctantly agree and hear him call Miles as I walk up the stairs.

Knowing I won't be able to go back to sleep, I grab my phone and start playing Toon Blast. Around thirty minutes later I hear someone walking up the stairs. I grab the gun and point it towards the door. I relax when I see Harden.

"My bad, I didn't mean to scare you." He tells me.

"Everything is taken care of." He assures me. I nod and move over so he can lay next to me.

"What are we doing today?"

"Well if it's alright with you, I thought we could go to your house and see if your dad left anything behind."

"Yeah sounds good. We should go now." I groan.

"Angel, it's 4:03 in the morning."

"So, come on let's go."

"Fine." He says hesitantly. I get up and throw on some clothes, as Harden does the same. We walk down and I see the body gone and the floor cleaned up. We get in the truck.

"Can we stop at a gas station for some snacks?" Harden agrees and pulls into the next gas station. We get out and walk in hand in hand. I lead him to the snack aisle and we both start grabbing bags of snacks.

"Your total is $19.35." Before I can say or do anything, Harden pulls out some cash and hands it to the man. We grab our coffees and snacks and walk out to the truck.

"How far from my house are we?"

"About twenty minutes away." We continue the drive with music playing softly in the background, while I munch on some chips. I see my old house come into view and am overcome with memories.

A few good, most bad. We get out and turn our phone flashlights on since it's still dark out. Harden pulls out his gun and walks into the house, not knowing what to expect. I follow behind him as he kicks down the front door.

We walk in and I immediately cringe. The floor is covered in trash and alcohol bottles. We step over them and make our way into the kitchen and bedrooms. My room is the only clean room.

Aside from everything being thrown around, there's no trash on my floor. Once we know the house is empty, Harden puts his gun away. We walk back to the living room and look at the papers on the coffee table. I sigh seeing that they are just bills.

"I'm not seeing anything," I tell Harden with a sigh. He agrees and walks toward the kitchen.

"Who's this?" He asks pointing to a picture of me, my dad, and my aunt.

"Well that's me, that's my dad, and that's my aunt Rose," I explain.

"Maybe your Aunt Rose knows something?"

"Maybe, I haven't seen her in like five years, she's an alcoholic and awful person like my dad." He nods and we both walk out to the truck.

"What are gonna do next?"

"Well, I'm going to look up your aunt and we're going to talk to her, see if she knows anything. If she's the only person your dad has left, he'll probably reach out to her." I nod in agreement. He pulls out his laptop and searches Rose Wilson.

"She's not married, I'm guessing. Since she has you and your dad's last name."

"Not married." I confirm. He continues searching and finally finds an address.

"She lives 40 minutes away. Do you want to go today or tomorrow?"

"Today," I say quickly. He nods and puts the laptop away. He starts the drive, and I take advantage of the quiet time and take a quick nap. As I feel the car stop, I sit up and look at Harden.

"How are we going to do this?" I ask.

"My way." He answers.

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