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Two Years Later

"Harden, Sawyer. I need to talk to you guys," Miles yells from the stairs. We both follow him to his office.

"I'm getting married," He says shocking us both.

"You're what?" We both ask confused.

"I need to get married to form an alliance with Halla. The queen died, and the princess is stepping up. In order for her to be queen, she needs to be married. And I need to combine Pegna with Halla, they already have so many connections," He explains to us. We just nod. I can't imagine not marrying for love.

"I'm leaving to meet her tomorrow. I'll be taking Luke and Chloe with me."

"Why not us?" Harden asks.

"I think Chloe should go, might make Fallon more comfortable." We nod, understanding.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Harden asks, pulling me down beside him on the couch across from Miles.

"I have no choice. Even if I did, like her. We knew each other when we were really little. For royal stuff, not mafia," He clarifies. I nod, but Harden just looks at him.

"Bro, I don't want you throwing your life away."

"I'm not," Miles says roughly.

"When we were little, I was obsessed with her. Even hearing about her on the news. She interest me."

"You better not treat her like you treat everyone else."

"And how's that?"

"Like shit," Harden says harshly, standing up. Miles just rolls his eyes.

"I'll treat her however I want," He says standing up, challenging Harden.

"Okay," I say grabbing Harden's arm, pulling him back down to the couch. These two are known for how they settle their disagreements.

"Sit down," I tell my husband. He looks down at me, I look up at him with desperate eyes. He finally listens and sits down on the couch. Miles cools down as well.

I lean against his side. They continue to just talk about life. Miles is mean and cold to everyone besides Harden and ergo me too, because I'm always with Harden. I admire Harden's face which has become a daily thing.

He tells Miles about everything that's happening with the other guards. It's becoming a routine thing. Since Miles isn't nice to anyone else, they don't feel inclined to talk to Miles about anything.

And I doubt Miles would want to hear about their personal life. So now Harden and I come down to fill Miles in on everything.

"Ohh," I start, cutting Harden off.

"There's a rumor going around that you're gay," I tell Miles with a laugh. He shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

"They think that's why you're not dating anyone, and haven't in oh," I say looking at my watch.

"Like five years."

"I just hate everyone."

"Well we know that, but people get bored."

"It's like we're in high school again, all the drama," Miles tells us.

"How would we know? We all had sheltered childhoods. I was beaten on all my childhood, Harden was homeschooled, and you. You went to some royal, bougie boarding school," I tell them, getting worked up. They both roll their eyes and Miles flips me off.

Harden flips him off back for me. I just laugh and kiss Harden. Although when people first found out about me and Harden they were rude and obnoxious. They've all come to terms with it. And the ones that didn't. Well, they were taken care of. Miles can't stand homophobia.

"Let's go," I beg Harden standing up with lust-filled eyes. He looks up catching on. He quickly gets up.

"Please lock the door," Miles says catching on as well.

"I'm still scarred from the last two times." Yup, you would've thought we would've learned from the first time, but nope. The second time was much worse. He caught us mid in the act. We both laugh at him, and I flip him off. We walk out to the main living room where all the members are hanging out and playing video games.

"Hey, Sawyer, Harden. Do you guys want to play?" One guy asks, sitting on the couch.

"No," Harden says quickly as he keeps walking.

"You guys are no fun. You act like a married couple."

"Gee Eric, I wonder why. Oh wait, maybe it's because we are a married couple," I tell him with a laugh.

"Come on Harden let's just play one round," I beg, walking over to the couch. Harden sits down, pulling me down into his lap. I play one quick round of Call of Duty, I barely finish before Harden is dragging me upstairs.

"I'm not in the mood anymore," I tell Harden with a frown.

"Screw Eric," He says making me laugh.

"Cuddle with me?" I ask him.

"Of course angel," He says laying down by me.

"What do you think about Miles," He asks me.

"I honestly feel bad for him and this Fallon chick. It sounds like something they're both being forced into to."

"I know, but I trust Miles' judgment. He's doing what he feels is best for Pegna. I'm just bummed we're going to miss the wedding."

"Yeah, but it doesn't seem like he thinks it's that big of a deal," I tell him. He nods agreeing.

"It's honestly incredible, the life we've made together," Harden tells me.

"When I was sold I thought my life was over, but honestly you saved me. It's almost like Stockholm Syndrome. At first, I was scared that's what it was, falling in love with my captor. But honestly, you saved me, you're my savior. You saved me from a life of abuse from my dad and myself. I can never thank you enough for that."

"You don't have to angel," He tells me with a kiss. I nod and rest my head against his chest, finally relaxing.

"I love you, Harden."

"I love you to angel," He tells me with so much conviction.

So now you see happiness isn't explainable. It comes in many forms.

The End
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