the commander

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You know that sinking in the gut feeling that you get when you know something bad is about to happen?

Like if the absolute worst case scenario came true for once and the only things you could rely on were your wits and your fists?

If the only thing you could use to defend yourself against the terrible thing attacking you was your willpower….Would you even be strong enough to outlast the attack?

While these may be such deep thoughts for a girl like me, they weren't entirely uncommon or unnatural to be having considering the fact that I was, quite literally, going to beat the shit out of this man who could spread rumors faster then the next gullible girl could spread her legs for him.

And considering the fact that there were fewer women on the Celestial then there were when the apocalypse happened back on Earth, I highly doubt that Mr He-Who-Eats-His-Own-Shit could pull any ass around here which is probably why he resorted to one of the two things he was good at anymore.


If rumors were considered to be threats to the Celestial, we would've been under attack a long time ago and we'd all be dead from their useless, degrading lack of knowledge.

But rumors were almost as toxic as poisonous air or the strength that I was exerting to half strangle motherfucking Kyle Abernathy to the brink of near suffocation and I couldn't focus on the fact that my fellow comrades were shouting at me to let him go.

That Indie was frantically pulling at my shoulders in an attempt to yank me off of him.

That I was, undoubtedly, going to get in so much trouble for jumping him like that.

I couldn't focus on anything besides the fact that he thought it was somehow okay and all right in his world to threaten me with tattle-taling to Commander Ophelia about my late night work hours and not expect some sort of repercussions for his asinine actions.

Could I have been overreacting a bit by deciding to strangle him until the man couldn't speak nor breathe and would fear me for the rest of his adult life if I decided to ever let him go?


But Mama did always say that I was quick to anger and this fact wasn't new to anyone aboard the Celestial since my arrival.

But….That also doesn't make it right to hurt him either.

Didn't Mama always say that two wrongs never made a right?

That small, nearly inaudible thought bouncing around in my head like a mini holographic ball was enough to knock out of the initial red haze clouding my vision and when I saw his once pale face now beet red and beginning to turn purple staring up at me, choking gasps coming out of his parted lips as he tried to plead with me to let go of his throat.

"P-Please....I-I'm sorry…"

He pleaded with me, he was begging me to let him go and here I was, strangling him over a goddamn rumor.

Before I knew what I was doing, I shoved myself away from him and stared down numbly at my own hands, at the blood that lay greasing over my knuckles and fingertips.

My stomach churned uneasily at the realization of what I had done, of what kind of monster I was becoming.

Was I so far gone in my own anger and agony that I was beginning to inflict it in the form of violence upon others just because I couldn't control my own emotions?

Kyle quickly scurried backwards using his heels, his hands rubbing at his throat, at the blood from his oozing cuts on his face, his shoulders, at the damage I had done to him.

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