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Oh, hell no! We ain't goin' there, buddy.

Even though I tried my hardest to bite my tongue, to restrain myself from making my situation any worse than it could get right now, I simply couldn't hold back my inner aggressive warrior from bursting out at the seams of my skin.

Why was I going to explode?

Good question that one might ask if they couldn't relate to even one single aspect of this confrontation that I had unknowingly, and unwillingly, found myself in after we had arrived at the Palace.

In hindsight and in retrospect, maybe it wasn't the best idea to open my mouth when I did but I just couldn't bite back my words faster than they were leaving my lips.

Because the dude fucking slapped me as if I had done something to warrant his anger and hatred fueled wrath!

But I haven't done anything!

Neither did Zaxton or Zion or at least, that's what I thought at the time which was all the more reason why I should start thinking before I start speaking.

Story of my life, ain't it?

But instead of thinking of the repercussions of my spoken actions, I went flying off the handle and I probably would've literally went flying if Zaxton hadn't been holding me up for the majority of the time.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?! You don't just get to go around slapping people whenever you want to! I don't care if you're fucking royalty or whatever you people call the hierarchy in this place, that doesn't give you the right to go around assaulting anyone that you ever lay eyes upon!"

My tangent of a rant came to an end when Zaxton squeezed my body just a bit harder into his side, silently warning me to shut my mouth before I could say anything else that I would regret but the words were already said.

The damage was already done, there was nothing I could do now to take any of it back and I didn't want to start backpedaling my way out of this situation either.

I meant every word that I said and even if it insulted their status, I couldn't exactly find it within me to give a damn anymore.

Fortunately, Lady Luck seemed to favor me for the first time since landing on this damn planet as the older man in charge seemed rather surprised at my frankly blunt and a tad bit rude behavior before he raised his eyebrows and turned his expression to the buff men protecting either side of my body.

And then, he did something that stunned me.

He laughed.

He started chuckling at first and then it turned into a genuine wholehearted belly laugh, as if he was so shocked by my behavior that it drove him to the edge of laughter and insanity.

Truth be told, I couldn't differentiate which one he was bordering right now.

Amusement or plain madness.

Perhaps both.

Everybody seemed to be a bit strange on this planet and I wasn't just speaking about their physique.

There seemed to be more men here than anything else and I haven't seen anything that might resemble a woman since we arrived in the city limits.

Even though I didn't want to get ahead of myself, I had a feeling that something bad happened to the women that once inherited this land and called it their own.

Maybe something bad did happen after all….Maybe they all got killed when they were sold into slavery?

Maybe they were sacrificed by their own men to what they believed was a God of some sorts?

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