Chapter 10

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It was the day of the grand picnic, and the entire ton was abuzz with excitement. The Arquette house was in a calm frenzy as the servants were running around preparing either those who resided in it or the meal that they were to enjoy at the picnic. Nicollette was up in her room sitting in front of her vanity while Francine was applying rouge to her cheeks when her mother walked in, "Nicollette it is time for us to leave, my darling" She spoke as she entered the room. Nicollette took one final glance at herself in the mirror and admired the slight application of makeup that Francine had applied. Nicollette gave herself a small smile in the mirror for support before standing from her seat. Julliette let out an awe of delight at the sight of her daughter, "You look stunning, my love," she complimented her daughter and Nicollette's shy smile grew into one of appreciation, 

"Thank you, mother"She spoke in her soft tone and walked over to where her mother remained by the door, "Shall we depart for the picnic?" She asked sweetly. Her mother was quick to nod and escort her daughter out of the room. The two ladies made their way down the staircase where they were met at the bottom by the two men of the house and Nicollette's little sister Adalene. "Are you excited to see Hyacinth today?" Nicollette asked her younger sister, who was quick to grab her hand and nod her head in excitement, 

"I would be more excited if we arrived in a timely fashion," The younger girl huffed and nearly dragged her older sister out of the house. It was an extremely silent carriage ride over to the park and Nicollette did her best to avoid her father's piercing gaze. As she watched the ton pass by the window she couldn't help but think about what her mother had said last night. How was she supposed to convince a man who had declared never to marry to change his mind and marry her? 

The carriage rolled to a stop and Olivier and Henri were quick to get out of the carriage first. Henri held his hand out for his wife to help her out and Olivier was quick to assist his younger sisters. Once Nicollette was out of the bumpy carriage, she instantly started looking for the Viscount, but was struggling to see him in the crowds of people. Nicollette could feel a presence by her side and turned and saw her mother standing beside her, "Do not worry, Nicollette, we will find him and he will change his mind," She assured her. Julliette grabbed her hand and they started to walk over to where their tent had been set up. 

Nicollette sat comfortably on a blanket on the grass when Adalene and the youngest Bridgerton came bounding up to her. "Nicollette, look who I found," Her little sister said excitedly and pulled Hyacinth by the hand over to her sister. Nicollette offered the young girl a bright smile before speaking, 

"And how are you today, Hyacinth?" She asked her kindly. Hyacinth's already big smile grew even more if that was possible before she responded, 

"I am having a wonderful day," The little girl did a little laugh and spun around in excitement. Nicollette couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Nicollette looked around to see if she could see any other Bridgerton's and saw Daphne on a stroll with the Duke. 

"Hyacinth?" Nicollette asked gaining the little girl's attention, "Where might the rest of your family be? I would love to go and pay them a visit," She said sweetly. Hyacinth smiled before pointing towards the bottom of a hill,

"They're over there," She spoke quickly before running away again with Adalene. Nicollette stood up from her blanket and looked over at her mother,

"Mama, I am going to go pay the Bridgerton's a visit," She spoke confidently towards her mother. Julliette looked up at her daughter and gave her a reassuring smile and a nod of her head. Nicollette started off towards the Bridgerton tent. 

Nicollette reached the bottom of the hill and started off to the Bridgerton tent. Violet was the first to spot her and offered her a large smile and a polite wave. Nicollette returned the smile as she made her way under the roof of the tent, "Good morning, Lady Bridgerton, how are you?" The girl asked politely. Violet instantly waved the girl off and spoke, 

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