Chapter 12

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Nicollette was standing in the ballroom as flower petals fell from the ceiling, and the servants were pouring towers of champagne. She wore a white dress that sparkled as she walked and had baby blue flowers embroidered on it with small diamonds at the center of each flower. Nicollette was in awe of the beauty and atmosphere around her and was too caught up in it all to see a certain Viscount approach her. After his talk with his mother the previous night, he thought he should try and properly court the young Arquette lady. "You look beautiful this evening," He spoke to the girl. Nicollette stopped looking at the petals falling and turned to look at Anthony, 

"Why thank you, my lord," She spoke, looking him straight in the eyes. Nicollette swore she could've stayed that way all night, staring straight into the dark eyes before her, but everyone's attention suddenly shifted at the entrance of Daphne and Simon. Nicollette offered her friend an encouraging smile as the two approached the dance floor. Anthony watched as Nicollette smiled at his sister and couldn't help the thoughts that swarmed his mind; she truly was the most beautiful woman he had ever met, both on the inside and the outside. 

"Would you like to dance?" He asked the young girl, and she looked up at him with the brightest smile and knocked the breath right out of him. She was eager to nod her head. He offered her his arm and led her to the dance floor. The two stood facing each other, waiting for the music to begin. The song was an upbeat tempo, and the dance consisted of lots of jumping from foot to foot and spinning around. Nicollette couldn't help the little laughs that escaped from her throat and the wide grin that was plastered upon her face. Anthony couldn't remember a time when he had smiled that much. Violet and Julliette stood off to the side, watching the pair dance. Nicollette was giggling and bursting with joy, and Anthony was smiling and looking at her as if nothing else mattered. 

"They do make quite a lovely match, don't they?" Violet asked Julliette. 

"Oh, yes they do, a fine match indeed," Julliette agreed. The music came to an end, and Anthony bowed politely as Nicollette curtsied. He offered her his arm and led her to the sides of the dance floor. 

"Miss Arquette, there is something I wish to ask you?" Anthony spoke, and Nicollette gave him an inquisitive look. 

"What is it, my lord?" She asked kindly, entranced by the man that stood beside her. He looked down at her nervously, but the sight of her instantly calmed his nerves. 

"I would like to start properly courting you, that is, if that is alright with you," He spoke quickly so that he did not lose his nerve. However, the smile that broke out onto Nicollette's face made him instantly forget his doubts and fears.

"I would like that very much, my lord," She spoke in a soft voice. 

Nicollette was anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Viscount and couldn't help but nervously tap the couch on either side of her thighs. Julliette was watching her daughter's anxious antics and couldn't help but wonder why. Anthony was the first and only suitor to call on her that morning, as he was the only man she paid any attention to the night before. He came carrying two large bouquets of flowers, the peculiar-looking purple flowers that Nicollette remembered from the Bridgerton garden. "Hyacinths?" Nicollette asked in awe of the flowers. Anthony nodded his head and handed one bouquet to Nicollette and the other to her mother,

"I had the gardener pick them this morning from the Bridgerton gardens. I do hope you enjoy them Lady Arquette your daughter was most interested in them when she came to visit," He spoke, now addressing the lady of the house. Julliette was quick to accept the flowers from the man, 

"They are quite unique and beautiful, my Lord," Julliette responded and looked at the flowers before handing them to Francine, as did Nicollette, "Would you like some tea and biscuits?" Julliette asked, but Anthony shook his head from side to side in response,

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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