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Walking home from practice gave me plenty of time to come up with a reason why coach kept me back so long. I couldn't just tell my father that the coach noticed the limp and bruising, while we ran the 4 miles we always did for track. Deciding to say that, with the state championship coming up he had us practice longer, so I headed home. Halfway there I noticed the lack of noise. Not living in a big city allowed the natural noise to be louder, the wind, the animals, and yes the people on the street. But there was no sounds, nothing.
I'm three houses down from my own when I notice that Bill must have left for the evening, all the lights were out. Getting excited I pick up my pace and hurry up the steps. Unlocking the door I slowly push it open just in case he was still there hiding, it wouldn't be the first time he played that trick. Once the door was open and no insults were thrown my way I sighed in relief. Rushing in closing and locking the door behind me. I head in to the kitchen to get a glass of water before I head to bed.
Once upstairs I do my nightly routine of showering and brushing my teeth, then I climb into bed and set my alarm for 6am. Noting that the time currently is a little passed 11.
The pounding wakes me up wait feeling like minutes later but according to the clock it's now 1 am. The pounding is getting louder and more sloppy. Knowing that it's Bill I quickly make my way downstairs and unlock the front door. Jumping out of the way as it swings open Bill stumbles in.
"Took you long enough bitch", sluring his words and swaying he makes his way inside and slams the door shut. "I told you to never lock the door when I go out." Nodding my head I quickly back away as I notice the red staining his shirt. Sighing inwardly I know that the stain is going to be a bitch to get in the morning. "Fuck!" He yells making me jump. Bill whips off his shirt and that's when I see it. The bite mark. Gasping I run to get him some towels, knowing if I wait until he ask I'll end up with another bruise.
I must have taken to long beacuase as soon as I round the corner a fist comes directly for my stomach making contact. I gasp yet again, but this time for the breath that was knocked out of me.
" I'm sorry sir" knowing to apologize right way to avoid another hit. "Just shut up and give me the towel Maddy" growling he rips the towel from my hands. " I was on my way back and this dog came out of no where and bite me. Fucking mutt" shaking his head he glances up at me. "What the fuck are you doing in my sight still. Go back to your room slut."
I run up stairs and lock my door. Bill wasn't always like this. Before my mom passed away a few years ago he was a great stepdad. Always making time for me and my older brother Conner. But then mom got sick and Conner went away to school. Bill thinks of me more as a burden now then anything. All he does is go to work and drink. Leaving me with the house work and cooking. I was surprised he wasn't mad that I didn't have dinner done, but then again a crazy dog bite him. I just hope hes feeling better in the morning. Realizing that it was already 4 I grumble knowing it'll be a long day tomorrow.
Slapping the alarm off I slowly crawl out of bed and get dressed. School doesn't start until 830am but I get up at 6 to make Bill his breakfast. Jogging down stairs I start getting the waffle mix ready. If he's still in a bad mood maybe his favorite breakfast will make him forget that I didnt make dinner last night. Along with the waffles I decided bacon sounded really good and made enought for me to snag a few pieces.
Growling from the family room lets me know where Bill is up. Glancing around the corner I see Bill swaying Infront of the window still lightly growling at something outside. "Bill?" Tentatively stepping from the tile floor onto the carpet and slowly make my way toward him. As I slowly tiptoe forward the growling stops. Bill slowly cocks his head sideways reminding me of a dog we used to have. I freeze knowing that even if he was more drunk then normal this was not the way Bill should be acting, he slowly turns towards me and I can't help the but gasp and cover my mouth with both hands to keep the scream in. His once dull brown eyes are completely black, a black so dark I could see my reflection in. Growling Bill lunged across the room at me, I froze not knowing what was going on. Once he was close enough I could smell the stale blood in his breath my senses came back to me , spinning around I took off back up the stairs. Running to my room I threw my door closed and locked it. Swinging my head left and right looking for an answer to what was going on, I see the old fm alarm on my dresser and run over and turn it on. Slowly going through the stations all I hear is static, with 3 left I'm giving up hope on finding out why my step dad just tried to eat me. All of a sudden a voice is taking over the room. " In doors and avoid the infected. I repeat this is a emergency broadcast, if you are not bitten head to the highschool there will be help there. If you are bitten stay indoors and avoid contact with the infected." It started to repeat itself. I glance over at the door where the pounding had stopped. I stand up from the bed and grab my backpack sitting on the chair next to me. Dumbing it out I start grabbing things I might need. I'm going to that camp at the school. I have to get ahold of Conner. This would be so much easier if I was allowed to have a phone. I quickly throw in a change of clothes and shoes, cuz you never know. I glance around one more time and decide so take the water bottle I use while hiking, it hold about a gallon of water. The pounding at the door stared up again so I know he, it, is still out there. Hearing him growl and snarl like that reminds me of the zombie movies Conner would force me to watch when I was younger. Snagging the picture of my mom and my brother off the nightstand I head to the window. It was only one floor up so it shouldn't be to bad if I land just right. I slide the window up and pop the screen out. As I swing my leg over the window sill, I hear a cracking sound glancing back at the door I see it's almost split in half. Eyes growing wide I don't waste anymore time as I slide legs out the window and jumped pushing me legs off the side of the house to try and miss the rose bush down below.
Landing with a thud I wince as a shock shoots up my leg from my ankle. I take off at a slow walk not knowing what is waiting for me in the front of the house. As I get to the corner I hear glass breaking and a loud thud. Glancing back it's all I can do not to scream, Bill is laying on the ground with his head twisted the wrong way and both legs looking like accordions. Knowing he must be dead , with the amount of blood leaking out of him, I go to step back towards him when he starts to groan and try to crawl closer. I quickly back up until I'm back at the corner of the house. I take a deep breath and step around the corner to get the first look at the new world.

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