Chapter 10

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Billie's POV

It's been a week since I said yes to being Jayda's girlfriend. A week since everyone has been up my ass. A week since everyone at school has been gossiping about my attempt. And a week since I've been taking this dumbass medicine that's been making me tired.

So I skipped on taking it today. Jayda agreed for just this one day since she has seen that it's been making me tired. "Ready?" She asked. "Yea gimme a minute to put my shoes on." I said. Sometimes I get random headaches and then I get nauseous. 

Right now is one of them times. I stood back up as I felt dizzy. "You ok?" Jay asked while quickly rushing over to me. "Uh yea, I really think I need new medicine." I mumbled. "Agreed, we'll go today." I nodded. 

She helped me put my shoes on and helped me stand up. "Alright climb on." She said as she turned her back towards me. Ever since I've been feeling dizzy she hasn't let me walked down or up the stairs by myself. 

"Cmon baby this is ridiculous, I'm fine." I said. "I don't care if your fine, now climb on." She said with a cute smile on her face. I laughed a little and shook my head. "Stubborn ass." I muttered to myself as I climbed on her back.

"What was that?" She asked as she walked down the stairs. "Nothing." I said. "Yea thought so." I grumbled before laying my head on her shoulder. We made it to the bottom step and she put me down. 

"Cmon." She said. "We gotta pick up Raven." She added Oh yea! I met her friends, they seem so nice, I really love them. It feels nice to have friends for a change. Zoe and Drew started talking to me again, but honestly I feel like it's because I almost died.

I hopped in the front seat and Jayda sped off. I played some music as we arrived in front of Raven's house. "what up bitches!" She yelled as she hopped in the car. "Yo." Jayda said. "Hey." I said.

I love how raven treats me like nothing ever happened. We drove off with the windows rolled down while shouting the lyrics to 'Make luv' by Brent Faiyaz. We soon arrived at the school and saw James getting out of his car. 

"Yoo!" He said as he spotted us. We all hoped out of the car and there goes the stares. I saw Jayda smirk and I gave her a questioning look. "I'll give y'all asses something to stare at." She said before pulling me towards her and kissing me.

I hesitated, but I kissed her with every last ounce of energy I had. "Okay love birds break it up. Everyone get to class." A teacher said ruining the moment. I pulled away out of breath as I smiled at Jayda. "T-That was so unexpected." I said.

"Agreed." Raven said. "Class now." The teacher said. "Aight damn, who pissed in your cereal." James said as we began to walk in the building. We all laughed as we walked into our homeroom.

Well James had a different home room, but he always walked up to our classes. such a sweet guy. Me, Jayda, and Raven took our regular seats in the back as we began to talk about random things.

Then the intercom came on. "Good Morning students, staff, and teachers, today I am excited to announce that there will be a talent show in a week from now, if you want to audition stay after school. Thank you." Then it went off. 

"We should do it." Jayda said. "No way I have no talent." Raven said. "I'm down." I said. My talent is singing, I love to sing, and hopefully I get to become a singer when I grow up. "Cool, billie you can sing one of your songs and I play the piano." Jayda said. 

"You play the Piano?" Me and Raven said at the same time. "Yes I play the piano." She said as she rolled her eyes. "Well I'll record from the audience." Raven said. We nodded. The bell rung indicating it was time for our next period. 


It's now 8th period. This class is so boring, so I'm just waiting until we can go. I began to feel dizzy/nauseous. I held onto the desk for support. "Billie are you ok?" James whispered to me. "T-text Jay." I mumbled as I began to get a really bad headache and my vision was going blurry. 

It was only a matter of seconds before I passed out.

Jayda's POV 

I got a text from James saying that something was wrong with billie. I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom. She wrote me a pass and I quickly rushed to her classroom. I walked in and saw everyone crowding around the one and only. Billie Eilish. 

"Back the fuck up!" I yelled. Even the teacher got startled. I went up to billie and put her head in my lap. "Anybody got water?" I asked. Some kid gave me their water bottle and I poured it on billie.

She sat up in a coughing fit. "It's ok baby, I'm here." I said. She continued to cough as tears ran down her cheeks. Well at least I think that's tears. "M-My inhaler." She coughed out. I quickly went in my bag and grabbed it.

I gave it to her and she took it and calmed down a bit. She looked around and saw everyone staring at her then looked down. "Go." I shooed everyone off. I helped billie stand up and she quickly hugged me while burring her face into my boobs as she silently cried.

I motioned to the teacher that I was taking billie and she nodded. This school is fucking ass, why didn't they call security or something. 

Once we got in the hall billie jumped and wrapped her legs around me. I held her thighs as she continued to cry. 

"Let's go get you some new medicine."


A/n- Sorry for mistakes, stay safe. Love you.!

1016 words 

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