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Two weeks have passed the most awaited day had finally arrived. The day Jungwon comes back from the West. The palace was hectic with all the workers handling the wedding hall and also preparing for the king's arrival.

Baekhee excitedly ran to the library and barged in, "Your Highness! Lord Yang will arrive soon!"

Yeonseo immediately closed her journal and scurried to the court lady, "How do I look?"

"You look wonderful, Your Highness."

"How do I smell?"

"Like cherry blossoms started blooming."

The princess smiled and held her gown before running out of the library and through the hallway. Out of the blue, she stopped and cupped her mouth. She felt like her intestines were tied into a knot and the uneasy feeling started rising to her chest.

"Your Highness, are you okay?" Baekhee asked worriedly. "Where's the nearest bathroom?" She asked and followed the court lady.

She instantly kneeled in front of the toilet bowl and vomited forth. "Should I call the physician, Your Majesty?"

Yeonseo nodded and continued vomiting. She felt her throat burning and her stomach hurting. Beads of sweat started trickling down from her head. She washed her mouth and sat on the floor tiredly.

Baekhee soon arrived with the physician. They both gasped in shock, "Your Highness!" The royal guards rushed into the bathroom and carried her back to her bedroom.

The physician cleared his throat and held her wrist, "Allow me, Your Highness." Yeonseo nodded and eyed him as he search for her pulse.

"Your heart is racing too fast, Your Highness."

He furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to find the problem. Baekhee waited behind him as she prayed to God that the princess would be alright. The physician then gasped as he widened his eyes.

He let go of the princess's hand and smiled, "Congratulations, Your Highness. You are pregnant."

"What?!" Yeonseo asked. Baekhee gasped excitedly and hugged her, "You're pregnant, Your Highness! This is great news!"

Is it, Baekhee?

What if Jungwon's not ready?

What if I'm not ready?

"You have to take care of your health properly, Your Highness. No more running around. No more eating junk foods. From now on, I'll order the chefs to cook you healthy soups and meals," Baekhee said happily, "I can't believe you're pregnant! I'm so happy, Your Highness."

Yeonseo forced out a smile and nodded. She was scared of what was about to come. Will the baby be fine? Will Jungwon be happy or will he run away? What would Sunoo say? Numerous questions appeared in her mind.

She placed a hand on her stomach and gulped down her saliva nervously. The door was suddenly knocked and Mr Bae was standing at the doorway with a big smile on his face.

"Your Highness, His Majesty has arrived."

Yeonseo immediately sprinted out of the room. "Your Highness! I thought we had a deal about running around! You're pregnant!" Baekhee chased after her.

The princess carefully went down the steps and waited near the palace gate, watching the carriages enter. One of the carriages stopped as the door opened.

There he is.

Jungwon got out with a bouquet in his hand. The wind slowly pushed his hair back. She didn't know whether it was the pregnancy hormones or just herself, she suddenly felt emotional.

He flashed her a comforting smile before handing her the bouquet, "I picked this on the way back to the palace."

Her heart started racing quickly. Her cheeks formed a red shade of blush. She hated the feeling. It makes her feel uncomfortable.

"Why did you say that?!"

"Say what?" Jungwon looked at her, feeling genuinely confused. "Who says that? I can't believe people in the 1700s use that sentence," she said before snatching the bouquet.

Why am I suddenly mad?

Is it because of the hormones?

Ugh, why is my stomach feeling like this?

"Your Highness–"

"Step back! Step back! Don't come near me! You're making me feel things!"


"I said stand back!" She yelled and ran back into the palace. Sunoo who got out of the carriage looked at his sister weirdly, "What's wrong with her? Shouldn't she be happy to see you?"

Baekhee finally arrived after chasing the princess. She looked around and panted tiredly, "Your Majesty, my lord, have you seen Her Highness?"

"She just ran back into the palace."

"Ugh! Why does she keep running around? I'm tired! I thought we had a deal about running around!" The court lady whined and sat on the ground.

Sunoo chuckled in amusement, "You can take a rest, Baekhee. I'll deal with the princess later."

"Ms Oh, what's wrong with the Her Highness?" Jungwon asked worriedly.

"I think it's because of the hormones. Her Highness is pregnant, my lord."

The nobleman and the king widened their eyes, "What?!" They asked in unison. "Yeonseo? Pregnant?" Sunghoon who just got out of the carriage chuckled.

"Yes, she's been feeling sick today and vomited a few times. The physician just checked her condition today and found out that she's pregnant."

Jungwon instantly sprinted into the palace, searching for the princess. Sunghoon scoffed as he watch the nobleman.

"This is great news! Does that mean I'm going to be an uncle?" Sunoo asked excitedly. Baekhee nodded and smiled.

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