Chapter 37: Vacation

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Zoe's POV

The last three days went by faster than I would have liked. It was filled with scheming and feeding my hatred toward Alex. It's been harder than I thought being in the same room with him and not scratching his eyes out. All this has just taught me how to hide my emotions, I think I'm getting good at it.

I tried to make my plan as foolproof as possible: avoid Alex at all costs, ask around and get some dirt on him. I'm that guest who was invited out of pity, no one really cares. I'd just slip out when no one is watching. No one would notice. I'm hoping that this plan works, scheming has never been my thing and I'm not good at it.

I read a text message on my phone from Rafael reminding me to pack some sunblock, it is likely to be hot over there around this time. We finally leave today. I haven't spoken to Rafael in person since, but I've been chatting a lot lately.

Preparing for my trip hasn't been easy, turns out my passport had expired at least a decade ago. The only thing I knew about this trip was that we were travelling to a small town called Lake Como in Bellagio. You can imagine my reaction when I found out we weren't going to Rome. Just to rub it in my face Alex decided to tell me all about his experience and how overrated it was.

I took another look at my list to make sure that I had packed everything. To make matters worse this trip was only for four days, after putting so much effort I couldn't even get a full week.

Alex arrived half an hour later. I had never seen him look this happy.

"Morning," He greeted walking into my apartment. I was starting to feel that Alex now thought of MY house as his, he didn't need to knock anymore. He had talked me into getting a spare key and the only reason I agreed was because I was too tired to argue, as soon as I have the energy, I'll get the key back.

"You look happy today," I commented. Why wouldn't he, he had four days to torture me. I already felt exhausted from the trip.

He didn't answer. He just asked where my bags were and started taking them downstairs by himself. Turns out those muscles weren't just designer muscles; they came in handy too.

I made sure to take my time getting to the car.

"I probably made a million by now," He commented folding his hands.

I just rolled my eyes and continued walking. He should try carrying a baby.

"Everyone is already waiting," he said opening the car door.

That's when it finally hit that it wasn't just going to be Alex and I. Cindy and everybody else was going to be there. I should have never agreed to this trip.

Throughout the car ride, Alex just kept smiling to himself. Something was wrong with him, why else would he be so happy. His whole existence was to make other people feel miserable with his negative energy. Maybe he had rubbed all his negative energy on me and now I was the one trying to make others miserable. I shouldn't be so angry; it was still too early for that.

"Alex," I called out breaking the silence.

"Yes," He answered.

"If you died today, who would get all your money?" I asked. Even I surprised myself with the question. I know he is supposedly the last member of his family and surely, he can't expect an unborn baby to run a company.

He stayed silent for a bit. "Are you planning on murdering me?" He asked.

"No, I'm asking in case you were to die in your sleep," I answered innocently. "After being suffocated by a big fluffy pillow."

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