Chapter 40: Buried Secrets

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*Zoe's version of the previous chapter*

Zoe's POV

The past few days have made things clear, that is that I am absolutely in love with Alex. I can't help it and I wish that I didn't. It just hurts so much, waking up next to him and then realizing he is not mine. I wish I could just push him out of my heart completely, so I didn't have to feel this way.

This is all my stupid heart's fault. What gave it the idea that it could fall in love with Alex? I don't even know when this happened, but it did.

I was still in bed and haven't mustered the courage to get up. Alex had left the room an hour ago.

But today was no day to be sad, I was going to find out about Alexander's past, at least I think I was. My trip here wouldn't be a waste after all. I can't believe I came to Italy just to stay in a hotel room.

Alex walked in minutes later, and I couldn't help but smile. Maybe I was finally going to have something that I could hold against him.

"You should get ready, we'll all be waiting downstairs," Alex spoke, he sounded cold and distant. I wonder what was wrong with him.

I proceeded with my morning routine, I took a shower and got dressed.

Everyone was already waiting in the anteroom, which meant it was time to proceed with my plan.

I needed everyone to go out so that I could leave and hopefully return without being seen.

"Is everyone ready? We are going on a yacht for the day. It's going to be so amazing; we have a spa and everything ready for the ladies, not to mention the wine." Lisha announced.

"I won't be joining you today; I am feeling a little bit sick. I cannot even look at the water right now, it will just make me want to throw up." I announced.

I should have thought of a better excuse beforehand.

But it was going to work right? The baby card always does.

"Well, I'll stay here and look after you," Alex spoke.

"Yes, we'll just have to cancel today and maybe go tomorrow," Cindy suggested.

"No, you should go on without me. I would not want to mess up your day." I insisted.

My plan was just about to fall apart right in front of my eyes.

"It wouldn't be the same without you anyways," Steven said.

"I'm pretty sure you all have better things to do than to babysit me. When are you going to start planning your wedding for example?" I spoke.

"Well, that is a great idea. Now that I think about it, Crystal Turnings also happen to be here on holiday." Lisha exclaimed.

"Thee Crystal Turnings?" Cindy asked dragging out her words.

"Who is that?" Alex asked.

"You don't know who she is? She is one of the best wedding planners. She does a-list weddings all the time. She is amazing." Cindy explained.

"We still have time to plan the wedding, we'll do it some other time," Alex spoke.

"Nonsense, you should use as much time to focus on your wedding," Lisha said.

"I agree with Alex on this one. We are going to take things slow." Cindy said.

"I insist. I remember how it took me months to plan my wedding, even then, I felt like everything wasn't the way I wanted. "Lisha added. "You too are going to have changed your minds by the time you finally get married. I'd ask Crystal to come over here, but she was a little trouble taking instructions at times because she is such a genius. We would have to go over to her place. I'll call her now," She continued.

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