Chapter 17

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We were all assembled to this new dining room here.

"you can join us." I invited Aarini to sit and eat with all of us. I know it was completely against what she had been taught, what she believed. But I have developed the habit of having things my way.

She hesitated and looked at Neel for confirmation. I was glad she wasn't as rigid in her believes as her mom.

The king permitted her with a subtle nod, indicating her to sit next to him. I was sitting across them, next to Yug. Ofcourse, it was a part of my mighty cupid plan. She flexed her face and turned it away, still standing by the door and not entering the hall.

"I... you know I do not eat before Father has eaten. I'll go give him his dinner."

"father?" I blurted.

Yug nodded in response. I was still confused. So I decided to step a little further ahead..

"won't he join us here?"

"I don't even remember when he last left his room." Aarini spoke softly. Her voice sounded weak.

"uh oh"

Nobody spoke after that. I could hear soft sobs and whimpers, from where the king's sister was standing.

"This is not nice. I'll go talk to him." I got up from my seat. Yug held my hand indicating me to stop as he nodded his head in a no.

The king looked up at me, and then at us. His face changing colors

"You should stay out of this." His voice appeared cold. I don't like this version of him.


"What do you think, we haven't tried? That we don't care? We don't want him to get better?" I was scared with this version of Neel sitting right in front of me.

"I did not mean--" I tried defending myself.

"I don't care what you mean. You think everything that we do, that we think, is wrong. I don't know what you expect out of us, but please stay away from my family matter."

"Let me speak, will you?" I shouted in the huge room. I hate to be misunderstood, but more than that, I hate people who don't want to clear that misunderstanding.

Yug and Aarini both were taken by surprise. But not him.

He had expected me to not just listen. He knew I won't. he just stood there, looking at me in the eye with the face that I cannot read.

I gave out a loud exhale before continuing any further. I didn't want to ruin my days here, with tension and anxiety.

"You might have certainly done your best. I am not denying that. But you know, out of all the advices given to a person, good or bad, a person will always ignore advices coming from the ones closest to them. Why? Because they cannot open up to you. And when they cannot open up to you, they think you don't understand them. That is why perhaps, your bestfriend doesn't listen to your advice. That is why perhaps, a counselor is always a stranger."

Everyone were quiet. So I decided to go in again, filling the silence of the room with my words.

"I have made 'your family' okay with me sitting and eating with the men. I have made 'you' okay with having a drink with me that you weren't sure of. I have made you sit and eat with someone who is socially divided on a lower level. You think I cannot convince him. let me give this a try. And if I couldn't convince him, make him get out of his room, I promise I won't bother you, your family, the royal members ever again."


Did I mention, I hate adrenaline. It makes you, speak, promise or do things you've never meant to do. Just what did I blurt out. 'I'll leave the royal family?' . Can I really do that? Can I really be on my own without these people.

Can I really be on my own without Neel.

I knew I cannot. Neither in his world, nor in mine. 

________________________________________________________________________________Keeping this chapter a shorter one because if I extend this any further it will take a good amount of length 

Take care y'all

until next time. 

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