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Draco had pulled through in the last few minutes of the game.

he performed a terrifying nose dive that had me clutching my broom with sweaty palms, trying to stop myself from going after him.

seconds before he hit the ground, he stretched out his hand and levelled out, the Snitch clutched triumphantly in his right hand.

it was an hour later and Tom, Matteo and i were gathered around a port-key which would take us home.

Draco had already left for Malfoy Manor and i found myself... missing him.

"ready?" Tom stretched out his hand.

he'd refused to tell Matteo or me about what happened with the Basilisk.

we all touched the port-key at the same time and i felt a familiar tug behind my bellybutton as we were transported through air and space.

we landed in an unceremonious heap on the doorstep of Riddle Manor, my foot colliding with Matteo's jaw, Tom tripping over my body.

we all sat up, rubbing ourselves down and checking for major injuries when the door swung open.

"inviting as always." i muttered as we walked into the empty foyer.

a butler with vacant eyes hurried towards us.

"welcome home, Children." he said as if reading from a cue card. "we have long awaited your return."

i looked at Tom and Matteo who wore matching expressions of confusion and disgust.

"your Father wishes for you to prepare for dinner where he will meet you." the butler carried on, unaware of whatever enchantment he was under.

i didn't wait for the man to finish, instead walking up the green carpeted stairs to my bedroom.

everything was the same, the bright silver accents and deep green curtains and neatly made bed.

there was a white dress on my bed—the outfit Father wanted me to wear to dinner.

he'd always been obsessed with dressing me in white, seeing me as his pure perfect daughter.

deep down he knew i was far from pure but he kept the insane image of a charming family in his twisted mind.

i showered, washing away the sweat and dirt of the Quidditch game and dried my hair, pinning it back the way Father liked.

i dabbed light makeup onto my face; blusher, mascara and lip balm, the way Father liked.

then i put on the white dress, just the way Father liked. 

i knew Matteo and Tom would be in suits—Tom's with a black tie, Matteo's shirt untucked.

we were like little obedient dolls for Father to dress up and parade around and use for his intricate plans.

the sick thing was that i didn't mind it.

in fact sometimes i enjoyed it.

someone knocked on my door and i opened it to find my brothers waiting outside.

"let's not keep him waiting." Matteo said.

they stood either side of me and i linked my arms through theirs (as Father liked) and we walked downstairs and into the dining room.

Father was sitting at the head of the table, Nagini writhing at his feet.

"Children," he rasped. "welcome home."

"hello, Father." Tom spoke for all three of us. "it's good to see you again after so long."

Father sniffed. "sit."

we did as we were told, Tom taking his place at the other head and Matteo and i taking seats facing each other in the middle of the table.

"Professor Snape tells me Matteo and Lolita have been playing Quidditch."

"yes, we both got onto the team." i told him.

"excellent." he mused. "and Tom?"

"Quidditch has never interested me."

Father nodded. "and your schoolwork is going well, i presume?"

"very well, Father." Matteo spoke up.

"what of the little errand i set for you?"

we went quiet, turning to Tom who swallowed.

"there was a minor setback. we found the Basilisk dead in the Chamber but i was able to find a spell in the Diary to resurrect it."

"excellent," Father said as the food arrived.

Father cut into his bloody steak and put the forkful into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully before saying; "i hear Lolita has caught the eye of the Malfoys' boy."

i chewed and chewed on my rare steak, not quite able to choke it down.

everyone looked at me expectantly.

"Draco?" i forced myself to swallow.

"he is their only child." Father fed a piece of steak to Nagini.

"they're good friends." Matteo clarified.

"not from what Thomas has told me."

i glared at Tom.

the little bitch wouldn't meet my eye.

"we are friends, Father. i don't know what Tom could've seen or heard to make him think otherwise."

if Tom could throw me in the deep end, i could do the exact same thing to him.

"i hope you haven't been lying to me, Thomas." Father's patience was being tested.

"apologies, i must've misunderstood the situation." my brother bowed his head, not bothering to hide the anger directed at me.

"and Matteo, what have you been up to?"

i watched Matteo swallow the steak in the same way i had. "just the usual."

"the usual being?" Matteo suffered dreadfully from middle-child syndrome.

"just... schoolwork, quidditch."

Father nodded and pushed his empty plate away, prompting me to do the same.

"you've barely touched your food, Lolita." Father pointed out.

"we had a big lunch at school." Matteo cut in quickly.

"alright then." Father's mood changed abruptly. "got upstairs to your bedrooms. no desert for any of you."

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