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having only just made it into the courtyard before the shield was put back up, we had to stay at the back of the crowd, but i wasn't complaining for once.

i could hear Father's voice faintly but the shouts and gasps from Hogwarts were more audible.

"i don't think i can do this," Pansy whispered to me.

"you can." i didn't look at her. "we all can."

the wind tugged at strands of my hair and i inched closer to Draco, holding onto his clammy hand.

all too soon a spark of green light went up and screams broke free of the crowd of Hogwarts students and teachers.

it had begun.

"i'm scared," Pans said to herself.

so was i, truthfully, and i knew the others were too, but i knew that the biggest mistake one could make was admitting their fear.

so i ignored her, we all did, even Matteo.

the Death Eaters surged forward, spells flying around the courtyard.

"and so it begins." Tom grinned.

an insane sense of calmness washed over me.

my body relaxed, my heart rate slowed considerably.

"let there be chaos," my brother's voice carried on the wind.

"and let us come out victorious." Matteo finished.

i took out my wand and we apperated up to the clock tower, leaning over the handrail to watch the carnage unfold.

the Hogwarts were currently outnumbered but i knew there had to be more people inside, like the first years.

"where are the rest of Slytherin?" Draco frowned.

i scanned the courtyard but didn't see any green amongst the fray.

"they've put them somewhere..." Tom figured. "they know the majority of their parents are death eaters and they would help our side."

"then we've got to find them." i turned to face them. "where would they be?"

"i'll check the common room, you and Draco go to the dungeon and Mat and Pansy, look in the great hall."

"what do we do once we find them?" Pans asked. "come back here?"

"no," Tom shook his head. "go to the courtyard."

Pans swallowed hard but nodded as Matteo took her hand.

"come on then." Draco looked down at me.

we all made our way down the steps and went our separate ways.

the shouts and screams coming from outside bounced off of the stone walls but i embraced the noise.

we passed the main entrance to the school but Draco grabbed me before we could walk past the giant front doors.

McGonogal stood just a few feet away, guiding the titanic stone statues down from the high beam where they usually resided.

as the statues hit the ground, a layer of dust plumed up off of them and they straightened, raising medieval looking weapons.

"shit..." i stared up at the stone figures.

"come on," Draco urged us on.

we made for the end of the hallway and took the stairs to the dungeon two at a time, kicking all the doors open but finding every room empty.

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