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Alex and I got into the car, buckling up before I started to back out of the spot. I sighed, relaxing into my seat. "Can you text Mom asking for the order number for the—?"

"I know why you were acting weird at the check-out."

I choked on my tongue.

"I figured it out," Alex said, a grin pulling at her lips. "I knew something was up. But I didn't think you had a crush."

"What—! What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to mask my nerves. It wasn't that obvious, was it? That he and I had slept together? That I wasn't..?

Alex's smile turned wicked, and although she was something like half my size, I felt my heart lurch.

"You like Iza."

A wave of relief washed over me. "Oh."

"Oh? Is that all you have to say?" Alex leered, leaning on the center console. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and I physically felt my heart lurch. "I knew you were acting funny, and honestly? I bet she likes you back."

Suddenly embarrassed, I chuckled, though it came out sounding a little off. "Don't be ridiculous, Lex—"

"Come on, I haven't seen you that flustered in a long time! You totally like her. You should go for it!" my sister sang, practically bouncing in her seat. "Come on, just ask her out!"

I cleared my throat, pulling out of the parking lot. "Just... text Mom about the order, please. And if you wanna go to that movie marathon, I need the address of that Julie girl's house."


"Send it right now or you're not going, Lex."

Alex gave me a side-eye but pulled out her phone. "Touchy subject, huh? I'll let you get away with it this time, but you're not getting out of this that easy."

I chuckled dryly, starting the car. "Sure."

I didn't doubt her. And my stomach turned at the thought.


"We're home!"

I shut the door probably a little too loudly as I tried to regain my balance. With two heavy armfuls of groceries, I followed Alex into the kitchen, where she was carefully placing the flower arrangement Mom had ordered in a vase. I, meanwhile, dumped the bags dangling from my arms onto the counter, letting out a breath as I was relieved of their weight.

The kitchen smelled amazing: a pan of sizzling asparagus was sitting on the stove next to a tall pot of rice, and a baked chicken was sitting in the oven, which was left slightly ajar. The smell of spices wafted through the house, causing my nose to tingle.

My mother came around the corner from the dining room with a smile, wiping her hands on a dishtowel. She rushed to the stove, picking up a spatula and poking the asparagus. "Hey, guys. Luke, could you put the groceries away for me, please? Your brother should be here in a few minutes."

"Yeah, no problem," I said, sifting through the crinkly plastic bags. "Is Jen coming?"

Alex snorted, a sound missing humor, and picked up the vase to take to the dining room. "When is she not?"

My mom sighed, pulling the chicken from the oven and setting it on the counter before turning to glare at Alex. "Yes, she is. And you have better be on your best behavior when she's here, young lady."

"Come on, Ma! Why does she always have to be here? She's so—!" Alex cut herself off with a groan as Mom shot her another heated glare. She huffed, stomping over to the dining room with the vase clutched so tightly in her little hands, I was scared it would break.

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