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[important!!] please return and reread the the last chapter, at least up until the smut! i made some significant changes after posting.

the last scene of chapter 18 in the parking lot was also less drastically changed, but it helps to reread for extra context.

if you'd like the TLDR instead (although the chapters are def worth the reread if you want those new, juicy Beau details ;)), i'll leave a list of the significant changes at the bottom of this chapter in the a/n.

happy reading! <3


I woke up at the ass-crack of dawn to the sound of the front door squealing open and to the feeling of Beau shoving my shoulder hard enough to bruise.

"Wake the fuck up!" he hissed loudly into my ear, and finally shoved me hard enough to push my fat ass off of the bed. I landed on the fluffy rug with an unfortunate thump and a painful squeal of complaint.


A familiar feminine voice rang through the house. "Beau! We're home!"

Beau looked jerkily at me. "The window. Fast."

I scrambled to get to my feet, but a sudden weakness struck my legs and I hit the floor again, sucking in a pained breath. Aches seared through my back, my thighs, and my hips. The sound I made was hardly muffled by the rug as the fibers stuck uncomfortably to the inside of my mouth.

"What was that?" A male voice.

"Go," Beau growled, running to open the bay window. His eyes shone not with fear, but sheer and unadulterated terror. His voice was low and gravelly with sleep, turning it from scared to scary. "The roof slopes down, it's maybe seven or eight feet after the slide. You'll be fine. I do it all the time."

"On these fucking legs?!" I snapped, struggling to find my balance and gripping the desk for support. Both of us were dressed in nothing but cum, so I reached blindly to find my boxers and jeans. "No fucking way. Nuh-uh. I'll break my neck."

Beau, now in a pair of briefs, hoisted me to my feet and carried me to the lip of the window as we scrambled to yank my—his? I couldn't tell—pants up my thighs and wipe at my stomach and chest. I found my phone and wallet laying on the bay seating, shoved them both in a pocket. Heavy footsteps clopped up the stairs and I could feel the terrified tremble in his body."Too fucking bad, Romeo. Walk it off, I do it all the time. Just don't get caught. I'll keep them inside."


I was cut off by a surprising, biting kiss. Desperate lips gripped mine for no more than two seconds before a loud knock sounded on the door and, with a helpful push from Beau, I dove out ass-first of the window. My shirt followed swiftly, whacking me in the back of the head just as the glass slammed behind me hard enough to shake the panes and the curtains were drawn with a sharp swish.

"Come in! Sorry, I just dropped some textbooks."

I took a deep, processing breath. Turning from the blue curtains to the outside view, I saw the sun was just creeping over the horizon, spilling its golden yolk over the trees and dewy grass. The wind pinched my face like tiny needles and condensation soaked my pants. Sitting here, the voices through the wall were muffled but legible. The same male from earlier boomed louder than Beau.

"You sure? Sounded like someone else was up here... you been drinking?"

"What? No."

"Smoking? Do I need to smell your breath?"

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