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...welcome to the Critonian Empire

The morning air was cool and moist in their nostrils as they breathed while staring across the field towards the maniple of infantry troops assembled for the imminent battle. Each of these seasoned warriors had trained for this and numerous other battles since their early teen years. Adrenaline burst forth as they anticipated the upcoming call for yet another engagement with foreigners trying to change their fundamental beliefs and take the lands that rightfully belonged to them.

These frontline soldiers were among the highest caliber to serve the Critonian Empire, and Cassius was proud to be one of them. He had spent most of the preceding night sharpening his blades and preparing his gear. The scutum felt good in his hand along with the weapons strapped to his sash.

As Cassius steadied his mind for battle, the cornu sounded off. The Critonian army's front guard began their march down the hill and across the field to engage the opposing forces. The distance between the two advancing forces closed as battle cries welled up from both sides. As was the case for countless other battles, the most elite warriors from both fighting forces would engage first. A decisive conquest of the enemy at the start of battle resulted in a psychological victory for the successors...and almost always guaranteed triumph in the end.

Many yards of distance were reduced to a few feet as the elite forces began to battle each other. Swords swung towards their opponent as the sound of weapons pounding into shields began to ring out across the battlefield. Cries of agony reverberated as razor sharp metal tore into flesh. While many well-planned strategies were in play during this confrontation, it seemed almost like chaos when viewed from afar.

The killing between these adversaries did not feel right for some reason, and the dichotomy between war and peace revealed itself during the most intense moments of battle. Cassius struggled with these very thoughts even as he swung his blade at the approaching enemy soldier. Thoughts such as Why am I trying to kill another soul? and What true purpose does all this fighting serve? filled Cassius' mind as he executed the killing moves and counter blows that years of training had made automatic. I must let go of these thoughts and concentrate on the task at hand, thought Cassius as he countered yet another mighty blow with his scutum and swung his deadly blade down onto the shoulder of his opponent.

Blood from the wounded soldier flew into Cassius' face and eyes as the severed artery shot blood out in all directions. Temporarily blinded by the warm blood, he instinctively moved his shield into a position to protect his head and upper body. Violently shaking his head to remove the blood from his eyes, he swung his body and sword around 180 degrees to strike a blow at the enemy soldier who flanked him. The move caught the foreigner by surprise as Cassius' swinging blade removed the enemy soldier's head from his body.

The sight of the enemy soldier's head flying through the air gave Cassius slight pause. He quickly regained composure and once again began the next advance on the oncoming forces. As Cassius ran towards the enemy, a paralyzing ring echoed in his head while an all-encompassing dizziness took over and made him drop to the ground. For a moment, the frenetic sound of battle left Cassius' head as blackness and silence took over. Now in the void of his inner mind, Cassius saw a bright light and heard a voice say, "I am sorry, but I must leave you for a while. Please do not forget what you have learned. You will survive this."

Cassius opened his eyes to find his friend and fellow combatant standing above him with his hand stretched out to help him off the ground.

Brutus yelled, "Rise quickly, my friend...there is still a battle to finish."

With the helping hand, Cassius quickly got back to his feet. The sound and sight of battle once again filled his senses. Teaming up, Cassius and Brutus made a swath through the advancing soldiers. Leaving a bloody trail of dead and wounded bodies in their wake.

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