Traveling Through the Stars Can Have its Danger

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...Creatia, capital city of Eurotopia

Returning home from the restaurant, Rashella reassured Cysoro that she was okay and told him she would like to retire to her study to meditate and plan for tomorrow's inspection of the starships. Convinced that his wife was okay, Cysoro kissed her deeply and told her to wake him if she needed anything.

After changing into more comfortable clothes, Rashella entered her study and sat down in her favorite chair to relax and meditate. Settling into the chair, she spoke to the home's artificial intelligence. "Grace, please play some soothing music." As calming music played from the surrounding speakers, Rashella began to let her mind drift and all her outside thoughts dissipate. Once her mind was at peace, she began to ponder the words spoken earlier that evening. That voice seemed so real and so familiar. I have heard that voice in my mind before. It usually comes whenever I have important questions. I wonder what was meant concerning Eurotopia being an experiment? This time, the usual inner voice did not respond to her questions.

Slowly coming out of the deep meditation, Rashella felt peaceful and energized at the same time. I should review the ancient wisdom text again. Those sacred text may help me better understand what was spoken in my mind, and how to ensure Eurotopia stays on the correct path. She got up and walked over to her desk. "Grace, please display the original ancient esoteric wisdom volumes and all accompanying relevant information." Rashella began to peruse the vast amount of information currently displayed on the three-dimensional screens in front of her. She spent the next couple hours engrossed in the ancient wisdom given to the early Eurotopian ancestors. As fatigue crept in, Rashella quickly reviewed the next day's schedule before retiring to the bedroom for much needed rest.

Rashella woke up the next day feeling refreshed from a restful night's sleep. As usual, her dreams were wonderful experiences of interacting in pleasant environments. While seeming somewhat familiar to her own world's surroundings, they were also slightly different. A place where ancient and modern seemed to be intertwined.

"Grace, please run my favorite breakfast recipe," asked Rashella as she entered the kitchen. Soon the RMO turned on and began materializing her favorite breakfast consisting of fresh fruit, treluvian berry yogurt, and a tall glass of milk. Soon the door of the Reality Matrix Organizer opened to present a perfectly made breakfast.

The RMO was a recent invention. The industrial versions were an enormously valuable tool in the building of the starships. Based on their understanding of quantum physics and the ancient wisdom concerning reality's actual structure, Eurotopia's greatest minds developed a system that could manipulate and recombine elemental energy to produce practically any matter desired. Basic food combinations and raw building materials had been the easiest to reproduce. As the complex algorithms needed to open and control the matrix were expanded upon, more unique creations were being developed every day. Each time Rashella used the RMO, she was reminded of her own contributions to the original operating software code.

Walking to the dining room table, Rashella greeted her husband of more than ten years. "Good morning, Love. I hope you slept well and had some enjoyable dreams."

"I did, my beautiful partner. I hope your sleep was okay after last evening's event at the restaurant." Cysoro took the last few bites of his more traditional breakfast of Purloshon baken, eggs, and toasted baguette with Yakoson butter.

"I actually feel good. My intuition feels slightly off, but I was still able to have a useful meditation. I started studying the ancient text again after what I heard in my mind last night. The words concerning Eurotopia being an experiment have me wondering what that truly means."

"We truly do live in a marvelous world...and now I must get ready for today's contribution to the Commons," exclaimed Cysoro as he rose from the table and kissed his wife before departing to prepare for his day at the robotics workshop. As a premier roboticist, Cysoro's skills were highly valued and sought-after throughout the UCE.

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