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i'm crying, trying to calm myself down so i don't have a panic attack
Jaden: ma u okay?
i don't answer, i'm trying to keep my breaths steady. He comes and sits down next to me and pulls me in close to him
Jaden: your okay my love, your safe, everything is going to be okay.
Y/n: it's n..not
Jaden: take some deep breaths, just try to stay calm
i take a few deep breaths and manage to calm down my crying
Jaden: what's going on?
Y/n: my mom
my eyes start to fill with tears again, Jaden wipes my tears away and hugs me
Y/n: my moms in hospital, i don't know what's happening but i don't want her to die she can't what will i do i already lost my dad i'm nothing without her
i start to go into a panic again
Jaden: hey Y/n, it's gonna be okay just calm down
Y/n: im sorry
Jaden: no don't apologise, i just don't want you to freak yourself out too much
Y/n: im really scared Jaden
tears are falling down my face
Jaden: i know baby, but i promise you, everything is going to be okay
Y/n: but what if it's not
Jaden: you don't have to worry about that right now, your mom is in the best place possible, they're going to be doing everything they can to help her
Jayla: hey guys wha-
Javon: omg Y/n are you okay
Y/n: yeah
Jayla: no your not, what's happening?
Y/n: my moms in hospital
i start to cry again
Jayla: oh babe im so sorry, stay as long as you need to okay
Y/n: thank you, Lexi said i might have to stay another week
Jayla: that's totally fine
Jaden: YAY
Jayla: JADEN
Jaden: what i'm happy
Jayla: not the time
i laugh a little

Y/n: i love you guys, thanks for always cheering me up, even if it is a really shitty situation
Jayla: we love you too
Jaden: i love you
Javon: love you bestie
everyone reaches in and we have a group hug
Jess: hey Y/n, your sister called you okay?
Y/n: yeah i'm alright
Jess: okay well q we stay as long as you need, we love having you here
Y/n: thanks Jess
she walks out and closes the door behind her
Y/n: mind if we have the movie night another night? i kinda just wanna go to sleep
Jayla: of course, you can sleep in my room if you want, or stay with J
Jaden: um excuse me i want her
Jayla: well maybe she doesn't want you, she can have options
I laugh
Y/n: thanks for the offer Jayla but i'll stay here
Jaden: HAH SEE
Jayla: well obviously i knew she'd stay with you but i wanted to give her the choice stfu
Javon: i would give you the choice y/n but i don't like sharing my bed
Jaden: nahhh man i wouldn't trust u in a bed with y/n
Javon: why?
Jaden: bro u would definitely try something
Javon: ur just jealous
Jaden: of what?
Javon: i got abs
Jaden: boy we both got abs
Javon: mine are better
Jaden: you work everyday for yours mine r just natural
Y/n: damn he got you there Wanna
Javon: Y/n, who's abs are better
Jayla: Javon you really think she's gonna choose you?
Y/n: im sorry Javon but i'm not gonna choose u over my boyfriend *i say laughing*
Jaden: HAH suck shit Javon
Javon: she only said that because your her boyfriend
Jaden: you jealous?
Javon: of what?
Jaden: well we all know you had a crush on Y/n when we got married
Jayla: ooo exposed
Y/n: omg that was so cute i forgot about our wedding in kindergarten
Jayla: yess that was so cute, it was in our backyard and you guys made all your toys watch
Y/n: aww J r we still married
Jaden: of course
Jayla: then you were crying Javon and told mom to ground Jaden because he married your crush
*we all laugh*
Javon: shut the fuck up we were like 5
Y/n: sorry for breaking ur little 5 yr old heart wanna
*i say laughing*
Jaden: and then he kept telling me to break up with Y/n
Javon: what is this, expose Javon night
Jayla: okay we'll stop
Y/n: please don't i wanna know everything this is so funny
Jayla: why did you two stop "dating"
Jaden: i don't think we ever "broke up" we just grew up and realised that it wasn't real
Y/n: yeah *we all laugh*
Javon: sooo technically you guys have been together since you were 5
Jayla: cuteee
Y/n: 10 years going strong bae
Jaden: just cheated on each other a couple times tho
Y/n: not me
Jaden: u never had another boyfriend since kindergarten?
Y/n: not properly, definitely been in a lot of talking stages but always stayed loyal to u *i laugh*
Jaden: wait yeah same, but i would definitely count talking stages as cheating
Y/n: well i'll forgive u if u forgive me
Jaden: deal
*we all laugh*
i was having fun, hanging out and laughing with my best friends was really helping me not to worry about my mom too much
Jaden: wait i wanna expose Wanna more
Y/n: go on
Jaden: Jayla remember when we found his diary and he-
Javon: nah nah nah nah nah way to far guys
Y/n: nooo tell me
Javon: no way!
Jaden: cmon it's been like 10 years Y/n isn't gonna care
Jayla: exactly i did it with my crushes, Jaden and Y/n probably did it
Javon: fine whatever
Jaden: it had i love Y/n Y/l/n written all over the inside of the front cover and he drew pictures of you guys getting married when your older
i tried not to laugh but i couldn't help myself, Jaden starts to laugh then Jayla and Javon

Y/n: oops i might've picked the wrong twin
Jaden: um rude
Y/n: im jokinggg
Javon: you definitely did, i'm way better but you'll never get to experience that
Y/n: oh what a shame *i say sarcastically*
Jayla: y'all it's 1am i didn't even notice
Y/n: WHAT it was literally just like 9
Javon: oh well ima head to bed night guys
Y/n: night
Jayla: night Wanna don't cry too much
Javon: why would i cry
Jayla: idk i just thought we might've brought up some old heartbreak, your childhood crush is dating your twin, isn't that sad?
Javon: if y'all don't shut the fuck up
Jaden: night Wanna sorry for stealing your girl love you
Javon: shut the fuck up, go make some baby's or something
he yells from his bedroom, Jayla, Jaden and i all laugh
Jaden: i'm gonna tease him for that forever now
Jayla: same
Y/n: poor little Javon *i laugh*
Jaden: poor Javon? poor me, i got married and my brother was tryna steal my wife
Y/n: of course sorry, poor you *we laugh*
Jayla: i'm gonna go to bed too goodnight love y'all, come in anytime Y/n
Y/n: thank you goodnight love you
Jaden: night sis
Jayla: get some sleep kids
Jaden: maybe
Jayla leaves and closes the door behind her
Y/n: this was fun, thanks for helping me earlier
Jaden: of course ma, that's what i'm here for
Y/n: that was really scary, i've been having a lot of panic attacks lately
Jaden: do you think you need to go back on your meds?
Y/n: idk
Jaden: Y/n i know it's not up to me but i really think you should, you were so much better when you were on them and actually taking them
Y/n: i know but i don't feel like me on them
Jaden: well maybe you need to try something else
Y/n: yeah, im gonna make a doctors appointment tomorrow
Jaden: im proud of you ma, a few months ago you would've never even thought about getting help, you've come a long way
Y/n: thank you, you know you've been a big part of that, your good for me J
Jaden: i love you, you've helped me alot too i haven't had an episode in a long time
Y/n: i know i'm proud of you baby i love you
Jaden: you wanna lay down and watch a movie and fall asleep?
Y/n: yeah i just wanna text Lexi real quick
Jaden: of course take your time

Big sista💕

everything okay?

yep hospital called and said
she's doing a lot better

that's great, goodnight love you x

love you too bub x

i put my phone down and go lay down in Jadens arms
Jaden: all good?
Y/n: yeah apparently she's doing a lot better so that's good
Jaden: that's great news
Y/n: yeah
Jaden: you alright?
Y/n: yeah just worried
Jaden: okay let's put a movie on and we won't talk about it anymore
Y/n: thank you
he kisses my head and puts on the Lorax
Y/n: i love the Lorax!
Jaden: i know that's why i put it on
Y/n: thank you for everything J, i honestly don't know what i would do without you right now
Jaden: no thank YOU for everything, i appreciate you ma, i love you
y/n: i love you more
i lay my head on his chest and fall asleep

Jadens Pov
Jaden: i appreciate you ma, i love you
Y/n: i love you more
she lays her head on my chest and i kiss her head
Jaden: i love you most.
i whisper, i grab her hand and stroke her hand with my thumb and fall asleep

My bestfriends brother (Jaden Walton)Where stories live. Discover now