Birth of the Forest 4.

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"See you later!" Naruto waved to his teammates. They had just returned to Konoha from a very educational mission in Wave country.

Kakashi and Naruto made their way towards the Hokage tower leisurely.

"Will you tell the Third everything?", Kakashi asked Naruto.

"I will. He could pick up signs of deception extremely well even as a boy, and I am not really good at deceiving my precious people. Truth is the strongest weapon, Kakashi-sensei. Lies can be twisted against you always as you may know from your own experience as a shinobi."

Kakashi nodded as they stood in front of the Sandaime's secretary.

"We are here to report the success of our mission to the Third." Kakashi stated lazily.

The secretary gave her customary dirty glance to Naruto and went to find out if the Third was free.

"Doesn't it bother you, the way you are treated in the village?" Kakashi asked Naruto regretfully. He had to have been there for the boy, but it was impossible. The village had needed every ninja on call to recover from the Kyuubi attack and Naruto would have been as good as neglected in Kakashi's home.

"Not really. As Naruto the child, I learned to disregard the glares of the people though it really caused me unutterable sadness. But now, I really feel sad for the Village I founded. They are just like sheep, unwilling and unable to think for themselves. That was not my intention for the shinobi of Konoha…"

The secretary came back. "The Sandaime will see you now"

Naruto followed Kakashi into the office of the Third Hokage.

The more Naruto saw this place, the more he felt the change Konoha had undergone. This office which had exuded a sense of loyalty and patriotism to the village during his reign, now gave off a sense of bureaucratic power mongering.


His student had sacrificed much for the sake of the village, but one glance at him told Naruto that he was weary. The will of fire burned in him still, but the village had asked too much of this man; he had given up family, love, and much more for Konoha.

Hiruzen, at least, was everything he had hoped to see in the future generation.

"Report, Kakashi" The third ordered, looking at Naruto and Kakashi with a discerning eye.

"Hai, Sandaime-sama" nodded Kakashi, and began his report.

"On the road to Nami, we were attacked by the Demon brothers of Kiri who were dealt with easily by Sasuke and Sakura. Turns out that Tazuna was lying about the mission…"

Kakashi related the events of the mission up to when Zabuza attacked them on the bridge and Naruto drove him off.

Hiruzen looked surprised.

"How do you know those Jutsus, Naruto?"

Naruto took a deep breath.

"Old Man, this is private. Very confidential. I suggest you send off the four ANBU guarding you. It is only for your ears and will only take a moment."

Hiruzen signalled, sending off the ANBU. If he couldn't trust Naruto, he could trust no one.

Naruto went to the wall behind Hiruzen's desk and placed his hand on it, watched carefully by Hiruzen and an amused Kakashi. He flared his chakra and caused a glowing seal array to appear on the wall.

Hiruzen's eyes grew wide and he stared at Naruto with the full authority of a battle hardened warrior.

"How can you know the existence of those seals, Naruto? How can you use them?"

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