Birth of the Forest 21.

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I know you sent your wood clones to keep an eye on me. Do not worry; I have them with me right now. It is comforting to have your presence with me, even if it is only a clone.

I know I must seem more than a little ungrateful by leaving without a single word after you revived me...after you struggled that much during the last three years. But you must also believe one other thing: I would never put my life above yours. Especially in this world where the only one who truly knows me is you. Your clone told me that you were intent on simply keeping track of me, of seeing that I did not come to harm.

Your maturity is showing, husband. I cannot imagine the immense effort it would have taken to trust in me after the pain you endured the previous three years. I swear to you therefore that I will contact you immediately if I require any help...for with you there is no question of personal pride or ego. Your rebirth is not making things any easier for you, it seems.

Please, I ask you to endure our separation a little longer. I will return to you as soon as I can for I am dealing with a matter that is of great significance to us both. You have always been kind and understanding to a fault and I have been the fortunate recipient of that love. I cannot apologize deeply enough for my seeming desertion.

I beg your forgiveness. Please wait for me a little longer.


Your wife.

"I will always wait for you", he murmured quietly as they sped through the forests of the Konoha border, hot on the trail of the Ichibi Jinchuuriki Gaara. He carefully folded up Mito's letter, tucking it in the pockets of his long white cloak. With Mito's assurances, he could sleep that much easier at night...his wife never ever went back on her promises.

Bee and Kakashi had taken the lead with Shee, choosing to be the sensors who tracked Gaara. Sasuke, Yamato, Darui, and Yuugao were bounding ahead behind them as they brought up the core; Naruto had chosen to take the rear with Yugito, as they were sensory types almost peerless. "You seem to be suddenly happier", observed Yugito from behind him.

He turned to her and nodded with a smile, "Yes. I received news from someone I care deeply has put my mind to rest", he confessed, feeling lighter and happier than for a long time. Yugito acknowledged that seriously, and Naruto could sense her curiosity flare within her consciousness. She was a beautiful young Shinobi, young but mature in an attractive way.

Coming down from your high hill of morality to join the rest of your cretin race, are you Hashirama? I know you would take the girl in an instant but for all those principles you burden yourself withthe Kyuubi stated. Naruto coughed slightly to cover his incredulity at that particular quip; You have any idea how odd it is for you to be giving me marital advice?, he asked the Fox. But then again, you would know nothing of the sanctity of marriage you depraved fox. You keep telling me how Bijuu are superior to humans, don't you? Well, you aren't.

Oh, look at you. So properly outraged by being adulterous in a marriage that does not even exist anymore!,the Kyuubi mocked. As I understand it, death breaks such bonds. You have already died once, and have been born as an amalgamation of lives. Have you even given thought to other females of your species?

Never. Uzumaki Mito will be my wife even if you bring forth Kami's daughter in front of me and ask me to wed her. Now be quiet; you have little clue of what goes on in my have no idea what goes on in yours in the first place, he replied waspishly. How dare that meddlesome fox suggest such blasphemy to him? He sneaked another glance at Yugito, and found himself admiring her smooth golden braid, her pale and flawless skin, her-

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