Entry 9: Ground Rules

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They say that the word sorry is more then just a word, it is a series of actions to make a change. If this is truly the case, well then your apology after the gigantic fight was on the right path. After the events that had happened last week, you felt as though a simple apology was not enough to compensate for whatever had happened. The guys had assured you everything was fine, easing your fears of being brutally murdered down to a minimum. And after about a week since the argument-never-to-be-mentioned that you and the others had had, life quickly died down back to normal (well, as normal as living with serial killers could get). No one brought it up, no mentioned it by name, and at first, this plan of ignorance seemed to be working. Your apology had been accepted, their apologies had been accepted. Life would go back to normal. Of course, life can only get so normal in a hotel made for famous slashers. And sure enough, this normality was quickly interrupted. Because, as previously stated, it is the actions after an apology that truly dictate how sorry you really are. And your promise after you had apologized to them would bring enough chaos to tear the hotel apart.

So in truth, it shouldn't have surprised you when a week after the argument a more pressing matter came up. You were all gathered around for a delightfully special dinner, prepared eloquently by Dr. Lecter and Norman Bates. After a hard day at work, it had been very nice to settle down to an almost gourmet meal. Everyone at the hotel would agree that dinnerl had been delicious, and little conflict seemed to be present at the table (except of course for Jason and Freddy, but their feud was never ending). You smiled lightly to yourself as you sat back in your velvet chair, embracing the peace you never thought you would have had here. It was nice to just sit back and enjoy it.

But all good things must come to an end.

The tranquility of the whole evening was shattered in a moment's notice. Not on purpose, you doubted that JD and Ghostface had meant to shatter it on purpose. However, that didn't stop all pleasant conversations (though few there were) to come abruptly to an abrupt halt as JD cleared his throat. The young boy's eyes glistened with a strange intensity, as he flicked his gaze over towards his companion. It was as if he was bracing himself, though for what you weren't sure. You, and the others, put own your utensils and awaited an explanation.

"So...." Ghostface made sure his voice was immovable, as he looked over at LBM, "When are we having that day..... where y'know. We go out into town?"

You swore you heard a plate drop, clanging against the hard wooden floor. In fact, you had to stifle your laughter as LBM spat out her drink. Good thing Jason sat nowhere near her. She choked for a good few seconds, trying to slurp down the icy water. Once recovered the redhead sharpened her eyes at the two boys, dwindling her glare from one towards the other. With a sort of huff she broke the silence, gritting her teeth together, "I don't know what you are talking about."

JD simply snorted, leaning back into his chair, "I believe we were all promised a day out in town. Remember? So when is that happening?"

All eyes, all sixteen eyes shot over towards you. All sixteen eyes each offering a unique gaze/glare/glower. Deja Vu wouldn't even begin to describe the situation. This time, thankfully, none of the eyes seemed to be sharpened with hate, not even LBM's. No, it was much more an intense curiosity, each pair taking on a different form (for example: while Ghostface was on the edge of his seat while awaiting your response, Jason's curious gaze was much more of a silent awe). Awkwardly playing with the food in front of you, you tried to keep your eyes low as you fumbled for an answer. "Oh. Yeah," you muttered hesitantly, "I guess I did promise that....."

Like a kid in a candy store, a wide smile gleamed across JD's face. He instantly jumped from his chair, pressing his hand's against the table head. "See!" he responded willfully, bounding up and out of his seat, "Even Y/N admits it!"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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