Entry 7: Fight! Fight! Fight!

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It was the first argument since you're arrival.

Well, no. That was by far a lie. You'd seen them all argue before. You'd seen Jason and Freddy get into multiple minuscule fights, you'd seen Michael and Ghostface annoy each other beyond intervention, you'd seen LBM blow up at JD, and you'd seen Hannibal and Norman try to remain calm through out whichever event was going on. To say that it was the first time you saw someone argue in this hotel was a huge lie. No, it was much worse than that. It was the first time everyone had broken out into a fight at once, and it was the first time you had gotten involved.

It was also the first argument centered around you.

That didn't mean it was your fault. To say it was your fault would be just as much a lie as the previous statement. It wasn't your fault, and you tried to remind yourself that as you later sat in your room on the brink of tears.

But it was the first time since meeting everyone, since settling down had you felt the raw, indistinguishable emotion of fear. Pure, terrifying fear. It was the first time in a long time that you had been reminded who you were living with; these weren't normal people, they were psychopaths. And ever since that fateful breakfast, it was the first time that you could not embrace this fact.

How did this situation occur? It started on a casual Thursday down in the hotel lobby. Work had been rather slow that day, so your boss had allowed you to return home early. After a begrudgingly long drive you'd made it back to the Mostly Ghostly Hotel, you were surprised to find that guys had actually managed to settle on watching a horror movie together by themselves. Once you were invited by Ghostface to join, you had readily entered the lounge and began what you what you thought would be a perfect day. You flopped down on the blue fuzzy beanbag, the same one from last time, and tried to relax and get absorbed into the movie. For the first time in what felt like forever, everything had been peaceful. You hoped it would last.

It didn't.

LBM marched furiously into the room, shouting inaudible phrases left and right. She was followed by a meek Norman Bates, who gave a slight wave towards the guys as he followed close behind her. Annoyed groans echoed in the room as LBM paced back and forth in front of the TV, a mad rage upon her. With every step she took you almost assumed there'd be a trail of fire following behind her, or at least some dents in the hard wood floor. It seemed as though this would go on for quite some time, but to your surprise it didn't. Instead she continued to pace, back and forth and forth and back, for what you assumed would be an eternity.

Freddy prevented this. He swung his legs back over the chair, rolling himself forwards to face her. He glared at the hotel manager, before shouting, "Would you fucking move, LBM? We're trying to watch a horror movie!"

This caused LBM's attention to snap, like a deer caught under the extreme headlights of a car. She looked between Freddy and the TV, before connecting the dots. A wicked smile spread across her face. "Oh. I'm sorry," her voice was dripping honey, "I hope this helps."

No one could have predicted her next move as she locked eyes with the dream demon. She fiercely yanked out the cable cord, unnconnecting the TV from whatever movie had been across the screen. A bright blue no signal sign flashed across the screen, lighting up the room with a somber blue hue. You flinched as the others lights lustered on, connecting your head with the back of someone's chair. You let out a short groan, wincing a bit.

LBM paid no attention to this as she squinted her eyes. As if a predator picking out it's prey, she looked between the six of you. While it made your heart fluster, it did not have the same affect on the others. Instead they sat back, awaiting whatever explanation LBM had.

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