Chapter Seven

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I didn't enjoy my food. For the most part, I found myself poking the meat with my fork, pushing it around my plate as though to give the illusion I was eating. But, in reality, I couldn't. My stomach was in knots. And I was sure if I tried to swallow anything, I would choke. 

I looked to Raina and Azure, wondering if they too felt nervous, but they didn't seem at all phased. After the tension from the Delta's arrival dispersed, they'd gone back to shovelling as much food on their plates as they could. Watching them, wolfing down their food with no reservation, it occurred to me that maybe they hadn't eaten much these past few days, either. 

I stared down at my cold beef, watching the sauce as it slid down the moist skin. I pushed it again, a trail of grease following in its wake. I didn't want to undergo an interrogation. I didn't want to recall the events that had happened not so long ago, let alone say them aloud. Part of me wanted to push those memories away, pretend they had never happened. Saying them, telling them to other people so they too would remember, would only make it more real. More alive.

But I didn't want them alive. I wanted them dead.

I wanted him dead. 

I hadn't realised I'd been staring off in the distance until ice-blue eyes blinked towards mine, smiling yet unsure, as they took me in. I quickly schooled my face into neutrality, turning away from Luna Darla as though I'd never spotted her in the first place. I couldn't let them know of my fear. I couldn't let them see it. But more than that, I couldn't let myself feel afraid. Not anymore. 

Raina lay down her fork in a flash of silver, turning to me. Before she could say anything, the Alpha stood, the silence like a propagating wave as it settled over the hall. A hint of anger persisted underneath that mask of calm composure. His face tightened with a grin that did not meet his eyes. 

"We thank Ignir again for this lovely meal to start our day. For now, we disperse -- until we rejoice again in our father's presence tonight. Ignir bless you all in your activities today."

In unison, people stood, the scraping of benches and plates silenced by the thick chatter that filled the space once again. I watched as they filtered down the rows of tables like rain in a gutter, striding out the doors in an orderly fashion. I wanted to follow them, too, but Luna Darla's eyes had me rooted to the spot. 'Wait behind,' they said, and my blood iced over. It was really happening. Now. Alpha Osyn started towards me, and the Luna stood to follow. 

"Kyra, are you alright?" Raina asked from my side, noting my lack of movement. "You look pale. Is something wrong?"

I shook my head, my eyes tracking the dark-haired male like a hawk. His eyes tracked me, too, like a predator watching its prey. They held a spark of challenge, daring me to move away, to start up a chase. But then I recalled the other day, when I'd almost lost control in the royal hall. I clenched my fork with enough force to bend it. He taunted me as though I were a meek hare but, really, who was the prey here?

"Kyra?" Azure's eyes bore into mine. Slowly, she followed my gaze, frowning towards the nobles that lumbered towards us. My stomach twisted as I noted the Gammas following silently in their wake. 

"It's fine," I ground out. It wasn't fine. They knew that. 

"Kyra," Azure said again. "What's going on? Is something happening?"

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