Chapter Forty-Six [NEW CHAPTER]

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(A/N: first time writing in past tense in about eight months; I am so used to writing in present tense now. Sorry if this reads weirdly -- I tried my best lmao.)


Black paws pound against the mossy floor of the forest. Snarling fills my ears -- or rather -- the ears of the person I'm currently seeing from. Wind whips against my coat, cold and hard and ruthless. My legs are heavy. My back is tired, but I'm fuelled with desire. Desire to get her back.

Desire to get me back.

Then I hear a voice. Inside my head. "Kyra. Kyra. Kyra."

My heart turns to stone. Azriel. I try to stop running, to cease whatever warpath I seem to be on, but I can't. I can't stop these legs from turning. This is not my body. This is not even me. I'm frozen; paralyzed.

"Kyra," his voice calls again, louder now. I look up, towards the trees and the undergrowth. Two, blue eyes waver before my vision, and finally, my body pulls to a stop. "I'm coming, Kyra."

In that moment, something cold slams my body. The scenery around me changes, but I am too focused on this feeling. It's strange. It's almost like I can really feel him now. Almost like...

I look up, and I see my door. My door, in the Northern Court. My heart sinks.

He's here.


I jolted upright, a scream ripe in my throat. My eyes are plastered to the door as I tumble out of bed, wrestling the tangle of sheets and covers as I try to ready myself for what I believe is the end. I grab at anything I can get hold of, but I ultimately become trapped in a cocoon of bedsheets and duvets. My throat hurts. I yell out in warning, in no decipherable language whatsoever.

The door bangs, and another scream escapes my throat. 

"Kyra?" A voice called from the other side. When I finally make it to my feet, my vision is blurred.

"Go away!" I screeched. I grabbed the only thing I could -- a brass lamp off my nightstand -- but the moment my hand curled around the base, the door flew open.

My blood ran cold at the sight of the dark figure at my door. All I could see was him, even if I couldn't quite make him out. But I knew it was him. I'd watched him arrive. I'd watched him run here.

With whatever courage I had left in my shaking body, I raised my free arm, setting it alight. The heat fuels something in me, and for a moment, I forget my fear. For a moment, all I feel is rage. "I'll kill you!" I screamed, holding my hand up in a flurry. My voice broke with sobs. "I'll kill you, you fucking bastard!"

"Kyra!" the voice called again, but without my heart pounding in my ears, I could hear him clearer now. That didn't sound like Azriel's voice. In fact, as the firelight illuminated the room, I realised the man at the door wasn't Azriel at all -- white hair, duo-coloured eyes... 

"Faelen?" my voice was barely above a whisper, heavy with defeat and despair. I extingushed my flame as Faelen ran up to me, pulling me into his chest. I was immediately hit with his scent, and a strange calmness spread through me. Still, my heart raced. 

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