Not Ready, But Prepared

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The three suns beat down on a different layout of sand dunes than yesterday. From the desert rose waves of uncaring heat. Like an oven, the warmth became unbearable and Hup felt he might cook alive if he stayed outside much longer. He turned back into the safety of the Circle of The Suns, pushing the cloth aside as he entered. The smell of urdrupes hit his nose with little effect. He had spent so much time here the smell had become background. He opened and closed his hand, rolling his shoulder still in its sling which he had worn for almost half a trine now. His shoulder joint, collarbone, and arm had fractured After skekMal The Hunter threw him into a wall. He had spent this past half-trine healing under the expertly slow, methodical hand of urGoh The Wanderer. The urRu had been his main caretaker, with his counterpart skekGra being more focused on keeping updated on the world outside the Crystal Dessert.

"Arm...should," the mystic said in his usual slow drawl. The Wanderer had been up on his usual platform, smoking the urdrupe berry concoction from his pipe. He exhaled a large stream of smoke from his nose, taking up his walking stick and turning to walk down to the podling. Hup decided to help save the urRu the walk and made his way up the platform, meeting him halfway. The mystic set down his stick and carefully made his way about untying the sling from around Hup's neck. The podling then carefully moved his arm and hand about every which way he could. The bones had healed nicely, and the joint hadn't sealed together which was good.

His arm glided smoothly and he had little time to really get used to moving his arms again when skekGra The Heretic made one of his usual entrances.

"You're healed?!" he ask-yelled. "Good. Now is the time for your return."

The skekSis turned and quickly stepped away to the other side of the circle, towards his den. Hup looked back to urGoh, who just slowly shrugged both pairs of arms. Hup just turned to follow the skeksis as the urRu turned back to his platform and hookah.

"Go you must," the skekSis said, back still turned. "Go. To the Dark Wood you must return. A large part you yet have to play."

Hup didn't say anything, just stared in confusion at the skekSis. It was more the shock of seemingly being forced from recovery into a new quest. He had had no proper recovery period and was already being told to shove off.

"Packed for you I have," skekGra continued speaking, his back turned. "Provisions you will need for your journey. Much food, and plenty of water you will have. The desert is not a hospitable place for such a small podling slave."

"Hmph!" Hup humphed. He didn't like being called that at all. He had put up with it this long time, unable to leave the circle given its height, but it was still annoying.

"Prepared you will be for the long journey ahead of you," skekGra spun, almost knocking Hup back to the ground but the podling ducked quickly out of the way. He held a small bag in his hand and stuck it out to the little podling.

Hup just slowly took the bag and, still unsure of what was happening given he was unable to process what was happening.

"Bodyee nyuncechas ouamo!" the podling protested, finally finding the ability to speak.

"Into the future I have seen," skekGra pointed to the podling. "Towards Stone-in-the-Wood. Join the Resistance you will, meet back with your friends you must."

"But Hup-"

"," urGoh finished for the podling. " be. Strength...he must...rebuild. When ...cooler."

"Hmm...very well," skekGra grumbled, rubbing the spike in his head. "Makes sense. More time to heal and prepare. Sure."

The skeksis walked off and Hup heaved a sigh. He'd still have to leave, but later, in more favorable conditions.

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