All's Quiet in The Great Library

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The pluff'm made itself at home, diving into the piles and piles of books and documents. Worming its way into the layers of history, resurfacing with a document on feather cricket migratory and swarming behavior. He started making a meal out of one of the corners of the page, biting the paper and ripping a little bit away before munching away. The Librarian just shook his head a little before walking deeper into the piles and piles of tomes, books, scrolls, journals, and grimoires.

The Great Vapran Library was silent. No one had set foot in here since the rise of the resistance. It was still in disarray from when Brea summoned the symbol which nearly blew apart the entire base of the structure. The library was arranged with the newest additions sitting at the pinnacle of the cornucopia's spiral. The deeper you went, the older and more ancient the passages got. And the catacombs of the library were vast. Like sewers of writings, the pages filled not only the shelves, but you had to wade through pages up to your knees, sometimes your waist. The catacombs were a dumping ground of old knowledge, and rarely ventured by even the librarian. But he had a job to do, and as such, he would have to venture into the deep, dark of the passageways under the library.

He lit his lantern, hanging it on his walking staff which he set aside as he cleared an area of the floor. Shuffling papers aside and placing stacks of books away, he cleared a trapdoor. Carefully, he lowered himself into the hole onto the ladder. Balancing as best he could, he climbed down with one hand, while holding onto his walking staff with the other. He stepped down onto the floor and held the lantern close to himself. It was darker than a star and moonless night down here. The small candle in his lantern left him in a bubble of light that only revealed what was maybe two feet away from him. He took a few steps into the darkness, coming to his first shelf. He was looking for anything dating to the first Al-Maudra. Or anything before on how to elect a new Maudra bloodline for a clan, or what the steps were to elect an Al-Maudra if no consensus was reached. These entries dated back to Maudra Seladon I. He needed to go further back; many, many trines. Deeper into the catacombs. He looked to the left, to the right, and saw the dates got older to the left. He started walking in that direction.

He did his best to stay on top of the volumes and volumes of content as he trudged his way deeper into the catacombs, but the papers weren't neatly stacked and he would sink into the sea of paper. It was slippery too. The papers had very little friction and just slid all over each other. His walking staff kept him steady for the most part, but it was still an annoying and slightly precarious trek. He was doing his best not to damage any of the records, but the staff would still somehow stab through a few pages, which he would carefully pull off and put back into the endless sea of papers where he found them. He trudged until his legs were tired, and heavy as boulders.

He jammed his staff into the piles of paper, steadying it so the glow would continue to illuminate his field of vision as he looked at the shelves. Running his hands over the book spines and rolls of parchment, the gelfling thought about how it had been æotrines since anyone had been down here. He found a volume and pulled it out, causing a cascade of scrolls to roll down and knock him in the head. He stumbled back and lost his balance, landing with a thud on the hard paper stacks. As the rolling scrolls stopped falling from their place on the shelves, he heard a sound deeper in the catacombs. A low grumbling that echoed off the shelves while also getting absorbed by the endless papers in this literary dumping ground. It caused him to pause a moment and listen closely. The sound didn't return so he opened up the book and leafed through the old, worn, weathering pages. A couple crawlie larvae wormed their way out of the layers and fell into the sea of paper. He scanned the passages, running over the text.

Finding nothing, he set it down next to him. The dating was close to when the skekSis started imposing their rule, and when the Maudra/Al-Maudra hierarchy was first starting to be enacted. He ran his hand down the shelf further and pulled out a scroll, careful this time as not to cause another scripture avalanche. Another low groan sounded in the dark and low shuffling, as if there were a large beast moving through the paperstacks towards him. He kept still, his heart hammering inside his chest. The sound kept getting closer and closer until he saw two points looking at him, the lantern light reflected in the eyes. He stumbled to his feet and grabbed his staff, still clutching the scroll under his arm.

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (Season 2+)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن