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skekGra mashed together the mix of urdrupe berries and other various plants, preparing the mixture to allow him and urGoh to see into the future once more. The skekSis ground away with the mortar and pestle as the urRu slept, snoring loudly.

"Could you be any louder!?" skekGra complained loudly, turning to his counterpart. "You could wake the dead with that snoring."

"Or summon old friends, yes?"

skekGra dropped his mortar in shock before turning to the voice.

"Took a while to find you skekGra," skekSo added. "Though, if we knew you had set up your home so close to gelfling, that would have narrowed down the search."

The two skekSis, joined also by skekZok, entered the Circle of the Suns. skekGra backed away, keeping his eyes on the three of his brethren. He could see into the future, but given he and the other skekSis along with the urRu were not inherently of Thra, he could not see anything of them no matter how hard he looked. He was never surprised, but now he was. This he did not foresee. For the first time in a long while, he was witnessing something he hadn't seen coming.

"MMMmmm," skekSil whined as the three Lords of The Crystal faced The Heretic. It had been many a trine since the four stood, very much like this, as one was banished from the order.

"My brethren!" skekGra tried to act friendly. "Long time no see. What brings you to our humble abode?"

"Our?" skekZok asked.

With surprising speed the urRu never showed before, urGoh swung his walking stick at skekZok's head, throwing the high priest off balance. skekSo had little reaction, as if he foresaw some other presence being in the space swinging his scepter to dislodge a post of urGoh's platform. The urRu went tumbling to the ground in a cloud of dust and wood splinters, groaning in pain which skekGra also felt, causing him to stumble to his knees.

"Enough of this," the emperor demanded as skekZok picked himself up. "You of all skekSis should know why we're here. Your handiwork is so easily recognizable. Or have you not heard the news?"

"News?" skekGra asked, rubbing his aching back. "What news do you speak of friends?"

"MMMmmm," skekSil whined again. "He continues to play dumb. With us. His 'friends'. What kind of friend lies to other friends, hmmm?"

"Maybe his head is fuzzy from consuming all these wretched fruits!" skekZok exclaimed, grabbing two clusters of urdrep berries and hurling them at The Heretic and his urRu counterpart, The Wanderer. skekGra raised his hand to block the plant buds from pelting his face.

"No," The Emperor growled as The Heretic picked himself up. "He knows, exactly, why we are here. He's trying to delay the inevitable."

"Truly," skekGra groaned as he stood. "I idea what you mean. Am I not needed to help you quell the gelfling uprising? Do you not need The Conqueror once more?"

skekSo exchanged glances with skekZok and skekSil before all three looked back at the skekSis and began laughing at him.

"After you killed three of your brethren?!" skekSo demanded.

"Kill?" skekGra asked in bewilderment.

"skekVar, skekMal, and skekLach," The Chamberlain listed, walking around skekGra's left, observing his abode. "You killed them."

"I did no such thing," skekGra protested, slamming his staff on the stone floor. "I have been here in exile these past thousand trine, because of you."

"It was you who pushed The Archer to his death, subsequently ending skekMal's life," skekSo accused.

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