Chapter 2 Droid March

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{Recommended Sounds: Red Alert 3 Empire of the rising sun' Army}

As the sun rises, its rays hit the island of Vytal it hitting a dragonfly-like drone. As its rays hit its solar cell wings, it activates the drone, waking up from its sleep-like state and booting up its systems. It opens its cameras, after quick adjustment and calculations of its position. It proceeds to turn on its engines as it proceeds to flap its solar cell wings rapidly and proceeds to lift off and then fly. Behind its back is the flag insignia of Servitor, a mechanical dragon eating its tail an Ouroboros with three gears in the middle of the Ouroboros. As it flies past the flag over to the staging area, a massive assembled humanoid droids are in formation awaiting their turn and marching towards their intended transports. Then the drone flew over to the assembled unmanned transports full, their engines hissing and rumbling as they prepare to embark either on their own or inside the large unmanned tsunami class ships. As the drone flew further overhead a different class of Droids of all shapes from tanks to animals and if looked closely legions of engineers doing the inspection and last-minute repairs to the droids. Then, as the drone flew further, a squadron of large aerial drones flew overhead the dragonfly drone. As the dragon drone descended to avoid the shockwaves of the large aerial drones passing overhead and ascended again after they passed. It flew in a row of assembled titan class droids being checked, diagnosed, and repaired by the assembled engineers for the last-minute check. The drone flew until it sits atop one of the titan droids as the drone faced the rising sun. The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. The just-risen sun shone softly on the ocean, under it hundreds of unmanned transports lined with structural efficiency facing towards the rising sun. Besides the transports are unmanned tsunami ships carrying loads of equipment and armament as they are escorted by unmanned transport droids. Just like before, Aerial drones of all types flew overhead the drone, but the drones landed on their respective launch bays on the tsunami ships. Then a command was transmitted over its system, 

"[Land to your respective launch bays.]"

 then the drone complied without question to its respective launch bay.

In the Balcony of the staging area here stands the king Arthur overlooking the assembled legions of droids as far as the eye could see. His to command and his to order, he never felt such power in his hands, even with his experience of holding the Relic of Destruction itself. 

As he glanced again at the assembled droids, a sudden voice appeared, 

"My king, how are you?" It was Watts with Pietro at his side.

Arthur replied, "Just fine. I'm just observing the assembled droids." 

Then Watts look at the horizon of assembled droids and then spoke, 

"The assembled droids are ready, my king. All it awaits is for you to command Servitor, and it shall march to whatever direction you desire." 

Arthur glanced at Watts then back at the assembled droids and is in thought after a few seconds he spoke as loud as he could, 

"Hear me my servant!!" 

then suddenly a few small drones go near and swarmed around his side.

 Arthur glanced at the drones by his side, but continued speaking,

 "As the King and your owner hear my command! March to the end of Remnant! Show the world your might! Accomplish your purpose and cleanse the world of Grimm! Unleash your wrath upon the enemies of mankind onwards!!" 

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