Chapter 4: Faunus War Aftermath

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In Southern Mistral, as the People's Liberation Army Fang division marches towards Kuchinashi when a large armada meets them head-on, they were shocked. It was Servitor, as it arrived to repel the invasion of Menagerie on Mistral as General Ugandos and Ironwood led him. As legions of steel were unleased on the invading forces with terrifying efficiency as Servitor unleashed its droids and drones on the People's Liberation Army Forces. As tank droids bombard them to oblivion in the distance, air droids of varying sizes and types scour the skies and ground of aircraft and enemy armor vehicles. Then legions of droids advanced with no signs of halting or stopping as they marched onwards deeper towards southern Anima. The People's Liberation Army Fang Division was pushed back and driven back more and more towards the Southern Anima coast, taking heavy losses as they retreated. Then, as the relentless advance of Servitor seems destined to catch up with them. The Fang Division digs themselves up underground under the orders of Sienna Khan. They changed their strategy from conventional confrontation to Guerilla style tactics. They hid underground and avoided complete encirclement from Servitor. As they consolidated their positions, constructed a vast tunnel network on Southern Anima. Abandoning their previous open forward base, southern Anima in Favor of their new underground base Zion. As the fighting prolonged, Fang Division forces conducted shock and awe raids, then suddenly disappeared towards their tunnels before Servitor could respond. As the war on Mistral became nothing more than a whack, a mole situation. They conducted raids on supply routes to disrupt Servitor's logistics. As the fighting raged on, a conventional army would have shaken and exhausted from the prolonged guerilla warfare. But Servitor does not need emotion and morale he only responds and adapts according to the situation without frustration with extreme efficiency. As the days passed with either side not giving an inch. Sienna decided, along with her officers, to ambush General Ugandos and Ironwood as leverage for Servitor to fall back and retreat. Then, after some time, they ambushed both General Ugandos and Ironwood behind the lines as they tunneled underground and ambushed them. It caught them by surprise as the very ground beneath them exploded as it catching both of them and their men. They mortally wound both General Ugandos and Ironwood as most of General Ugandos's body was burned and half of Ironwood's body was missing. But Servitor responded swiftly as it swarmed the area as Servitor called upon the rescue droids to the heavily mortally wounded General Ugandos and Ironwood, along with their men, towards the nearest airships to be treated as the Rescue droids can only apply first aid. After some time passed, the Fang division awaited Servitor's response as they ambushed and heavily wounded its handlers. Servitor only responded as it continued as it has done in southern Anima. As the days passed, more and more droids arrived to reinforce Southern Anima guerilla tactics became riskier and riskier as droids and drones swarm about everywhere. The Fang Division decided to dig a very long tunnel towards Menagerie as they decided to stay low for now as they continued to digged a tunnel towards Menagerie. Going through Air and Sea is dangerous as Servitor swarmed the Southern Anima coast. As they were underground they could not contact Menagerie and The Claw division on Sanus as no news of them has heard as they were isolated as they hid below ground.

{Several days later}

After some time, they finally connected the tunnel and arrived at Menagerie. As they moved through the tunnels as they connected these tunnels to the deep mines of Menagerie. As they have finally arrived above ground as they cover their eyes as the rays of the sun hit their sensitive eyes for being underground for so long. They saw Menagerie at last. They have arrived on the outskirts of New Eden. The vast agricultural fields of wheat covered the outskirts in a golden hue. The sweet smell of home was welcoming compared to the stench of blood and dust on the battlefield. As they passed through the golden wheat fields, the Fang Division walked through many Faunus farmers. As the farmers greeted them after some time walking, they finally arrived at the entrance to New Eden. The gates of New Eden opened in response to their arrival. Then, as the gate opened, the Fang division expected cheers from the people as they eagerly waited for their return. But deep down there is no glory to be won as they returned with no victory but with the injured and the corpses of the fallen. Their assumptions were correct as they saw the atmosphere of the crowd at the gates was not out of celebration but concern and worry. The mob rushed upon them as they search for their families and relatives. The majority was happy as most saw their families alive and well, some injured but ultimately alive. The unfortunate ones searched among the living but didn't find their families among them. Realization on their faces as they rushed towards the back of the parade of soldiers as it carried the corpses of the fallen after some search and finally found their loved ones. Fathers, mothers, lovers, relatives, sons, and daughters cried in grief as they saw the corpses, as they all cried together in a massive outpouring of grief. Most of the Fang division soldiers who lived along with their families could not help but look at them in pity. After some, they scatter in all directions with their loved ones, leaving the grieving families alone as they continued to grieve. Then here lies Sienna Khan, glancing at the poor families as they cried. After some time, she proceeds to get away from the scene as she planned to visit the Tiger's Den, which serves as the main government building of Menagerie but ultimately her home. As she strolled on the streets of New Eden, she could not help but saw too many grieving families in a closer look. It seems they are not part of the Fang Division, but most likely the Claw Division that was headed by my father. If she were to guess, they suffered the same fate as them against Servitor. But they seemed to suffer more casualties as the trail of grief seems endless as she strolled more. Luckily, she avoided that fate as she ordered her troops to not engage the machine in conventional warfare but through guerilla tactics. She thought about her father of what happened a bad thought seemed to get through her head. But she shrugs it off instantly as she thought,

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