Chapter ten!!

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Filler chapter 😿

"Can't I stay at Iguro's Estate?" Y/n asked Shinobu with pleading eyes.

The insect pillar sighed deeply, "I suppose.. only
if you properly-"

"AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH SHINOBU!" Y/n bowed and quickly left the females estate.


"Iguro~!" Y/n sang as he slammed open the Serpent Pillar's door.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" Iguro asked, surprisingly wasn't wearing his bandaid mask, which Y/n was glad to see.

"Shinobu said.. umm.. oh! She said that I can stay at your place until I'm fully able to go back to my own Estate." Y/n smiled widely. "We get to have time to ourselves!"

Iguro smiled gently at Y/n.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Y/n asked with a confused smile.

"You.. really aren't affected by my scars.. are you?" Iguro asked.

"Why would I be? They are just scars." Y/n told, gently cupping Iguro's cheeks with his palms. He rubbed his thumbs on Iguro's cheeks. "They are really deep though, I'm surprised they healed up alright."

Iguro was bright red once again, he couldn't stand Y/n being so close to him. Iguro was staring at Y/n's slightly chapped lips awkwardly.

"Iguro.." Y/n sighed with a light smile.

The h/c'd male moved his face closer to Iguro's.

"Can I.. kiss you?" Y/n softly asked.

Something lit up inside of Iguro, it was like fireworks exploding, he felt this exact way when the two went to a festival a couple years ago.

"Yeah." Iguro whispered.

Y/n connected his lips with Iguro's momentarily. Iguro squeezed his eyes shut as Y/n's cold lips danced with his warm ones. Iguro was frozen in place, "was this really happening?"

Y/n pulled away quickly after.

"I've been waiting to do that for so long." Y/n laughed. His hands were still cupped around Iguro's cheeks.

"I.. never.. kissed anyone before." Iguro whispered as he touched his lips.

"Neither have I." Y/n smirked, "Wanna do it again?"


The two began making out, sloppily tasting each others tongues, as if they'd never be able to kiss again.


The two were curently cuddling on Iguro's bed!! The black haired male was reading poetry while Y/n slept peacefully and soundly.

"She doesn't deserve my love. I have filthy blood flowing throughout my veins.. I can't love her.. haha that sounds familiar."

-your pov-

"Y/n.. I'm.. sorry.." Iguro whispered as his life drained before my eyes.

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