New Moon- Voting

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2021 Forks, Washington

The Cullen Family gathered at the bottom of the stairs, the picture scarily similar to Bella birthday, Jasper stood beside his husband, eyes hungrily scanning his figure. Bella looked out at the family, Edward stood behind her solemnly, "you all know what I want",Atlas looks down, not liking this situation, "and I know how much I'm asking for. The only thing I can think of for it to be fair is to just vote"

Edward speaks from behind her, "you don't know what you're talking about", Bella rolls her eyes, turning to her boyfriend

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Edward speaks from behind her, "you don't know what you're talking about", Bella rolls her eyes, turning to her boyfriend.

"Shut up", she looks to the pixie girl and her wife, "Alice"

Alice walks forward, "I already consider you my sister", she pulls Bella into a hug, smiling, "yes"

"Thank you"

Sasha is the next to speak, "well, I say yes", she smiles at the human girl, "it'd be great not to be the youngest anymore", Bella gives her a grateful smile.

Jasper then speaks up, arms still strongly around Atlas, "I vote yes", Bella looks to him, "it would be nice to not want to kill you all the time", the family chuckle as Bella nods, a tiny smile on her face.

The humans eyes go to Rosalie as she speaks, "I'm sorry", the blonde looks genuinely sad, "I'm really sorry to both of you, how I've acted. And I'm really grateful that you were brave enough to go and save my brother... but this isn't a life I would have chosen for myself. And I wish that there had been someone to vote 'no' for me", she holds eye contact with Bella for her entire speech, showing how sincere she is, "so, no"

Emmett steps forward, "I vote hell, yeah", he grunts and lifts Bella into the air, spinning her around, when he drops her back down he grins wolfishly, "and we can pick a fight with these Volturi some other way"

Esme smiles from beside Carlisle, "I already consider you a part of the family... yes"

Now its Carlisles turn, the man looks up to Edward who reads his mind, "why are you doing this to me? you know what this means"

The blonde doctor shakes his head, "you've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice... I won't lose my son", Edward looks away from his father figure.

All eyes turn to Atlas, waiting for his decision, Edward tries to read his mind, even taking a few steps down, but is stumped by a mental shield, "this life... there are many things you will need to learn, and I don't believe you should be turned, but for the safety of yourself and this family you need to be changed", he then walks from the room. Bella filled with a strange sense of bravery follows him, leaving the family to listen as the two settle on a rock outside the house; Atlas hears the girl approaching, letting her sit beside him on the boulder, "what about your family?"

Bella takes a breath, still nervous around the ancient man, "I'm going to apply to the University of Alaska, and at some point I'll pass away", she looks to his side profile, "I feel like this is the path I should be on... and I want to stay with Edward... and I know they'll be fine, they're strong"

"you get your strength from them, I see that"

She nods, "yeah, I do"

Bella watches as Atlas looks into the forest, his eyes misting over, "I can't remember what my mother looked like... Or my sisters", he huffs out a laugh, that holds no humour only sadness. The family listen from inside, having never heard so much sadness come from the man, "none of them"

Bella also looks out to the forest, admiring the life she sees, "time steals it all away, I guess"

A soft laugh comes from Atlas, "It's not what time steals...", Bella looks to him, seeing the melancholy on his face as he looks down, "it's what it leaves behind...", he looks back up, eyes haunted, "things you can't forget", Bella watches him, "I gave up on humanity, hundreds of years ago, I made a promise to the woman who turned me, that I would always have hope and do everything I can for the humans... but I stopped... but within the last few days you have shown me that maybe, just maybe... there's some good people out there", he gives her a small smile patting her hand, before going back inside.

 there's some good people out there", he gives her a small smile patting her hand, before going back inside

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I took this scene from The Old Guard

And this is short but it's now onto Eclipse

Hope you all enjoyed


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