I Do

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Link's POV

Anju tosses the bouquet over her shoulder and Zelda almost catches it. But some brunette gets it instead and celebrates as if she just won the Super Bowl.

Zelda's walking back to our table now. She gives me a sad smile and a shrug. Awe, she looked like she really wanted to catch it too. Maybe I'll buy her some flowers before we go to Japan as a little replacement for the bouquet. Still don't know how to break it to her that my plane ticket might only be one way.

"I'm so bad at catching things," Zelda says, now standing in front of me.

If I tell her that I lost my scholarship during my expulsion, she'll want to pay my tuition for me. She's so sweet but $200,000 to her is not the same as to me. I could never come up with that much money... Not without being a pro athlete.

But if I leave the US for good, she'll be heartbroken.... Shit... I don't know what to do. I need some air.

"Hey, where are you going?" She asks while I get up.


"Oh okay. I was going to ask you to dance," she says with red cheeks and a cute smile on her face. It almost makes me smile too.

"Really? You?"

"Don't assume I don't dance," she says pretending to be sassy.

"Do you though?"

"Well—no, but don't assume I don't." She's so goddamn cute. "But hey, if you're too chicken to dance in front of people," she shrugs with a child-like smile.

"Just not feeling it right now," I say.

"Oh... Oh, okay. I just thought..." She tilts her head and her smile turns from cute to embarrassed. "Never mind, forget I asked."

Shit. I messed that up. Didn't mean to make her sad.

"Maybe when I'm back, okay?"

"Sure. But only if you want to."

She's giving me that look. That sorta sad and worried look. She's noticing it. I hope she doesn't ask me what's wrong, I hate lying to her.

"Everything okay?"

Damn it...

"Mhm," I nod and give her a quick smile before leaving the table.

I walk out the big door and down the hall, trying to find the bathroom. There are so many doors left and right but none of them are labeled. Who designed this place? It's like a freaking maze.

I open a random door and my jaw drops! Ravioli is standing really close behind Mipha and both look at me in shock!

Mipha quickly takes a huge step away from Ravioli while his eyes look at me as if they're trying to strangle me. Shit! I basically slam the door shut again!

I've barely talked to Mipha this whole year. I didn't know she was so close to him... I don't know how I feel about that... Good for Ravioli, but...

The door opens and Ravioli steps out into the hallway. His face has turned even redder than Mipha's. She's still in that tiny room but I can't get a good look at her before he shuts the door behind him. Now we're alone in the hallway and I have a feeling I'm about to get hit in the face.

"What—the—fuck!" Ravioli whisper-yells at me.

"I didn't mean to interrupt," I say, hands in the air. I'm not going to fight him over this. 

"Did you follow us? Is making my life a living hell your sick source of entertainment?"

I clench my wists and take a calm breath. I'm not going to ruin Kafei's wedding by getting in a fight with Ravioli.

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