Breaking Up

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Zelda's POV

Journal Entry - July 3rd

As I reflect on my fourth week in Japan, I realize it has been quite the emotional journey. From hanging out with Link's ex at a bar to receiving unexpected texts from Karusa on Instagram, there have been ups and downs that have kept me on my toes. 

Despite my attempts to find out why Karusa is texting me, he insisted on speaking in person, which only added to the anticipation. He said it was important, but he took a long time to respond, making it difficult for me to believe in the urgency of the situation. And after a few more texts, he stopped replying all together.

While I didn't receive the answers I was hoping for, I am trying not to dwell on it too much.

Fortunately, Link and I have some exciting plans to look forward to. We are heading to the mountains to visit his father and uncle, who own some beautiful land up there. I am thrilled to spend time with Link's dad, who has a good grasp of English, and to escape the hectic pace of Kyoto for a few days.

With Link's busy work schedule and my feelings of homesickness, some time away in nature sounds like the perfect remedy for our mental health.

Overall, this week has been a wild ride and I hope the rest of our trip won't be as emotionally draining.

PS: Speaking of wild rides, I will finally meet Epona and see Link's riding skills. Horseback riding is one of the few things we have in common.

"Whatcha writing about?" Link asks, noisily leaning closer to take a peek at the pages of my journal. I shut the notebook at once and mask the guilt I feel for keeping Karusa a secret with a hardy smirk.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I tease.

"Obviously. That's why I'm asking."

"You're cute," I admit. 

He leans in closer, looks at my lips, and tempts me with a confident smile. "Yeah?"

I create some space between us. We're on a public train, we really shouldn't be rude by displaying our intimate relationship in front of others. Especially in Japan.

The train ride from Kyoto to Nagano Prefecture takes a couple of hours. I spend my time reading and Link spends his time napping. As usual.

When we arrive in the village, I get a first glimpse at the place we'll be living at for the weekend. Tsumago is located in the Kiso Valley, an area known for its well-preserved post towns, which were once important stops along the Nakasendo, an ancient trade route connecting Kyoto and Tokyo.

As we get off the train, I tell Link about the information from the articles I read on the ride: "Tsumago is known for its traditional architecture, with many well-preserved wooden buildings dating back to the Edo period."

"Cool," he says but he doesn't seem to be interested in the history of his uncle's village. I, on the other hand, am more than fascinated by old towns. Who knows what history may lie beneath this land? All the old relics that could be unearthed. If it hadn't been biology, I would have majored in archaeology.

"Tsumago is also a great place to enjoy nature. The town is surrounded by mountains and forests, with plenty of hiking trails and scenic spots to explore," I continue. "One popular hike is the Magome-Tsumago Trail, which connects Tsumago with another post town called Magome, and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside."

"You sound like a tour guide," Link mocks and I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm just interested."

"No, you're acting like a tourist," he counters. "Why don't you stop reading random articles and let your boyfriend, who grew up in this well-preserved town, lead the way and show you all the best hiking trails?"

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