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That one mistake was enough to set you on edge for the entirety of the day after. What was worse was that the only class you had with Ginjirou was within the last hour. Every time the bell rang, the anxiety grew, swirling madly within like a looming beast. It affected your performance in class, somehow making it more goddamn dreadful than it already was. From tripping over your own feet to nocking the arrow the wrong way, you were trapped in a sea of doubt and worry. You needed to figure out whether the boy saw your heart on his feed or not -- yes, it was pitifully lame of you to be worrying about this and it should be the last thing on your mind... but your ego wouldn't be able to take the hit.

It was officially time for d-day, to find out the answer to the crucial inquiry once and for all. Bulking yourself for the battle ahead of you, you stood there in front of the classroom door and clenched your fists together. You took a few deeps breaths, puffing your chest up and steadying your racing heart.

Unfortunately, you were looking a little worse for wear. Two white balls of tissue were jabbed into your nostrils, making you seem incredibly laughable. During your last class, you were clumsy on your own feet as you were running. Smack dabbing your face right onto the ground, the impact caused a nose-bleed. Talk about bad timing; even if you somehow lucked out with the heart, you were giving Ginjirou easy opportunity to make fun of you. Kouki certainly took the bait, laughing at the smeared blood on your skin. The fashionable boy no longer seemed hurt by your actions from the other day, as if the encounter in the nurse's office had not ever occurred.

While you were in a daze, the people behind you were beginning to grow impatient by your antics. A hand pushed you from behind and you stumbled into the room. Chuckling awkwardly and scratching your head, you quickly apologized to the unamused peers and hurried on over to your assigned desk.

Jittery in your seat, you focused straight ahead of you, watching Mr. Orochi write math equations on the board. Math wasn't exactly your favorite subject, but by all means was this easy math. Since they didn't focus on core subjects with this education system, it was obvious everyone would be behind comparing to the world you were originally from. While you were previously on calculus and whatnot, they were on algebraic problems.

You wouldn't dare to pull your gaze from the front, but the presence of Ginjirou was undeniable. He entered the room the moment the bell sounded throughout the building, casually waltzing right up to the desk behind yours. He was like a magnet, begging to call attention from everyone because he was just that bright. It seriously annoyed you the way he held his air; he was an elite and he wanted everyone else to know that too.

A tap on the shoulder nearly caused you jolt in fear. Fuck... shit! He knew about the heart didn't he--

Craning your neck around robotically, you faced the golden, searing eyes. Goddammit, your mind was tainted of his half-naked pictures. Was this what you would see whenever you were to interact with him from now on? No! You weren't a fangirl of him, nor did you even like him. "Yes?" you asked, your fingers fiddling underneath the table.

He was desperately trying to hold back a chuckle, his mouth knitted and his jaw clenching. He silently gestured at his nose and you suddenly remembered about your bloody nose. "Something happened?"

Clamping a clammy palm over your face, you fought the heat flaming your cheeks. "It's none of your business," you responded in a muffled voice. Could you just ascend spiritually and leave this god forsaken experience? The humiliation was going to burn into you for an eternity. Well, at least... he wasn't bring anything up about the heart.

"Hey now," he said, pouting. "Are we not friends by now?"

In what world was he living in? The two of you barely spoke, for you did your best to ignore his feeble attempts at initiating a conversation. Why was he so interested though? There were many others who would love to talk to him, as well as relate to him better in terms of school. "No. No, we're not," you answered bluntly.

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