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"No," Angelo says

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"No," Angelo says. All of our gazes are now on him.

"I agree, I don't want them here,"Grey, says. Luca and Leo both nod in agreement and so does Brayden?

"Okay,let's see what Brielle thinks.."Dad ordered. All of the attention is now and me,do I side with my dad or my brothers,or I could stay neutral?

"I don't know, this isn't my house," I shrugged. My brothers and dad both looked sad and disappointed.

"Sweetie,it's your house too,"Dad says, they agree with him.

"Oh, thanks?" I respond, I get a small or tight smile from each of them."

"Sweetie, boys, I know this is a huge adjustment but I really like her, I love her actually. The boys looked guilty now,I was hungry-

"Angelo," He says, he turns his attention to him,"What if I asked you to break up with your girlfriend, would you do it?" he asks.

"No,"he murmurs. Does that mean there moving in?

"Boys, I don't want you to think I'm replacing your mother,"But I love Ariana," He says to them.

"She's not our mother,"They say. Dad looks puzzled but continues anyways.

"It's fine we understand," They nod.

"Brielle, is it okay with you?" he pleads as if he wants me to me say yes.

"Okay,"I whisper out, his worried expression is now filled with a happy one but he doesn't smile.

We eat breakfast in silence, and I only eat a waffle and a piece of toast, I'm kinda full now, I tried to eat more, but I just couldn't.

"I'm full, I announce," they all stare at me.

"Can you eat anymore?"Dad asks. I shake my head.

"Alright, " he says worriedly.  "Oh and you have an appointment tomorrow," he informs me. I nod.

"Ariana and Heather will be in a few hours," he informs as all. The boys tense,and nod anyways.

"Do you want to watch a movie with us?" Leo asks. 

"Okay sure!"I exclaim happily.

"We have work, but we'll be back early today,"Dad announces. Grey and Angelo get up with him and walk out not before giving me a hug an a kiss on my forehead. 

"Luca your in charge,"dad says before giving us a wave goodbye and walking out.

"I'll get the snacks," Leo states.

"I'll get the drinks," Luca adds. "Brayden, take her to the movie room, we'll meet you there.

Brayden wheels me out and and we get in the elevator again, we make up to a different floor and are presented with wide black door. Brayden goes infront to prop the door open, and I wheel myself inside. I let Ayden continue to wheel me when were met with sofas and cushions. That's my nickname for him. He picks me up and places me on one of the sofas and put my legs up on a stool. He grabs a blanket and sits beside me.

"Thank you Ayden," I tell him. 

"Is that your nickname for me?" He asks excitedly.

"Yup, " I respond. Without warning he indulges me in a hug at first I'm quite surprised but I melt into it. We pull away but he's still smiling hard.

He gives me another hug, and another.

Then one more.

"Were here!" Leo shouts. "You guys didn't even pick a movie?" we shake our heads. He sighs.

"What do you wanna watch?" Luca asks. I shrug my shoulders.




"Okay yeah!" I say. They laugh at my antics, Leo takes the other space behind me, and Luca's on the other side with is own couch and a blanket laying down. Me, Leo and Ayden spread the blanket across ourselves.

"Fast and furious, it is"Luca says, putting down the remote. The lights go out and we each grab snacks. I take sweet and salt popcorn, Luca and Leo take caramel and Brayden takes Toffee. 

I manage to steal a few from Ayden and Leo, it's quite fun. We're about an hour in and have an hour and thirty left.  

End Of Movie

The light automatically turns on, I yawn. But just in time I hear Dad, Angelo and Grey calling out our names.

"Let's pretend to be asleep, "Leo suggests.

We nod, and I lay my head on Brayden's chest. His chin is on top of my head, Luca pulls the blanket over him and Leo is close to me, but his back is facing the other way. 

It's been two minutes and I finally hear footsteps approaching the room. I hear muffled whispers but I'm too focused on not busting out laughing. I hear a photo being taken.

"They look so cute,"Dad says. I internally smirk as I know it's probably directed to me.

"Well, fun's over,"Grey says.

He pulls our covers off us and we all immediately protest even though we were fake sleeping,I'm a bit cold.

"Let's go downstairs, Ariana and Heather are nearly here,"Dad tells us. He turns away and walks downstairs. They boys follow rolling their eyes. Brayden picks me back up and wheels me out. We get in the elevator once again and and I can't place my thoughts on something, I don't know where I heard the name Ariana and Heather.

We out the elevator and Brayden places me on the chair. My head is in his lap, and my feet are on Angelo's.  Silence over takes and I just stare at the pictures on the wall. The door bell rings, and dad hurriedly makes his way towards the door. I sit up, and wait for there arrival.

A girl who looks the same age as me walks in but I can't see her face. Angelo scoffs and I pinch him in response as he stares at me in wonder. Another woman walks in and I realize who I'm looking at! I immediately smile.

"Heather?" I ask. She smiles too and quickly rushes over me and we each indulge each other in a hug. We don't let go but I can tell my Dad and my brothers are confused.

"I thought you were gone,"I whisper in Heather's ears. She left because her Dad died of cancer and she needed a fresh start.  We'd been best friends ever since I first could talk. And her mother was like a second mom to me and so was their dad. I really loved going to their house and I can't believe I get to see them after all this time.


Good reaction from Brielle, but what about her brothers? How will they react with two new females living in their house?

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