T W E N T Y - F O U R

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G r e y 

I had left home early and was going to our private hospital. I work there as a doctor. I never expected Brielle, to return hurt and broken. Yet I can't help but think, why would someone do this to an innocent girl? I as her brother, couldn't protect her or care for her. I lived most of my childhood safe, in a good environment, yet she suffered and endured. But I feel guilty about it, guilty I was happy, guiltily I lived a good childhood. I loved Brielle and would do anything to protect her, even if I lose my own life.

R i c c a r d o.

I came back to the house, and Grey was leaving for his night shift. I bid him goodbye with a sleeping Bri in my arms. I took her upstairs and removed her cardigan so she would feel a litttle more comfortable and detached her from me. I layed her there, carefully. I grabbed the blankets and pulled them over her. I pecked her forehead, and whispered goodnight, before going into my room.

B r a y d e n

Dad just got back , and Brielle was asleep. I was happy to have my sister back, as it resulted in my having my twin back.I couldn't believe she was abused when Dad told me what happened . I couldn't stop crying for the whole night, I felt bed. I wasn't there to help her or protect her. I really hope she had a friend or something that loved her. I knew that I would make up for losing her even if it took me my whole life time for her to trust me. I loved her and would never stop loving her. She is my twin forever. 

A r i a n a

I was so happy when the boys let me and Heather stay and when Ric told me about Brielle's abuse I couldn't help but cry. I mean I loved that girl like she was my own and too know she was hurt? I regret leaving and will make it up to her.

H e a t h e r

Moving into this house was kind of weird, I mean mom dating someone who has already 6 kids- Wow. And Bri my childhood best friend being one of them. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to see her again but I was happy when I did. My mom didn't really want contact with anyone from home as she was trying to moving on after Dad's death. He was my best friend anthe best dad anyone could have nobody could replace him even if they tried.

L e o

I was laying on my bed scrolling through my phone, I was looking through funny pranks I could do with Brielle. I hated seeing our family down. It was the worst, we would barely talk to eachother of even interact, or eat dinner together. We were separated, I'm glad she's back.My Little sister.

L u c a 

I couldn't help but think as I rested in my bed if Brielle had any happy memories or pictures. I wondered what type of 5 year old she was. I wondered what her first day of school was like, her first picture, her first full sentence. I missed at on all of it. We all did. But now that she was back, we weren't letting her go anytime .

A n g e l o 

It was late at night, and I was still in my office doing work. I was preparing for a business meeting that I would have to fly out for, in order to seal a deal. I really think getting this deal could improve our business even more. As I sat bored and tired, I couldn't help but think about the first day I met Brea. I was ordering a black coffee and I had seen a girl sitting on a table doing some work. The girl was Brea, she looked stressed and normally I didn't really care but something in me told me to go and see that girl. So unexpectedly  I took a seat beside her and asked her what was wrong. She replied that she was just struggling with some homework so I decided to chip in to help. Luckily I understood biology as I took it as an extra in school.  It was about 6 pm when we finished her homework and I wanted to take her out for dinner.  She declined at first, but she was quick to change her answer when I  begged. I begged... I took her to my favourite place and had a private table. She told me she was studying to be a doctor, and with both her parents dead she lived with her Aunt who she loved lots and I actually got to meet one time

It continued for there, I took her on countless dates and soon it was her graduation day at 23 which was just a year ago. I asked her to be my girlfriend that day. She said yes, and I couldn't have been more happy.

I plan on marrying her one day, if its the last thing I do.


Decided to do something different,Might be able to update friday , but no promises. ;)

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