Chaptor 7

810 33 4

~~Y/n's POV~~

It's been a couple of days since we left Cocoyashi Village.  Every morning me and Zoro train and practice swordsmen ship and transforming. After I play with Usopp and Luffy. Nami says we are going to Loguetown in two days. It's where the king of the Pirates Gold D. Roger was executed. Luffy is super excited to see where his Idol was executed.

I had just gotten done with sword training and it was now time to practice transforming and flying. I stood on deck and transformed. Zoro told me to fly for 30 minutes no stopping. That's about as long as I can fly for. I always try and go past my limit but I can only for a couple of seconds. Today is when I try to go for longer that 30 minutes and 20 seconds. Today I'm aiming for 32 minutes. I know it's a lot but if I don't try I will never get better.

I start to head off. When I'm flying I like to scout out around the boat and a little ways. It's like my morning walk but flying. It's relaxing honestly except feeling drained after flying for a short time.

I start to go faster and higher. I fly next to some birds and then dive. I dive towards the water but pull up just before I hit the water. I felt free flying. I could see a outline of a ship in the distance.

'is it a marine ship? Or a pirates?' I fly up higher and it's a marines ship. 'I only have 15 minutes left of flying left. I'm about 20 minutes away from Luffy and the crew. I'm going to need to take control of this ship and wait for them.' I thought

I start to dive. I imagine my self in blue flames. My body is covered in blue flames now. I pull up and burn their mast.

"ITS A PHEONIX! SHOOT IT DOWN!" One marine yelled

I smiled and went down and landed on deck while hitting 5 marines with my wing. I start to pick marines up and throw them over board.  A man with white hair and two cigars in his mouth came out. He had more cigars strapped to his body.

A girl with short black hair came out too with a sword and a pair of glasses

"What's going on here" yelled the man

" We are being attacked by a Pheonix Captain Smoker!" Yelled a marine

"I see" he said puffing out spoke

'Shit times almost up' I thought while breathing hard

I start to hit the marines more and set some on fire. I go towards the girl but I get blocked by the smoker guy.

"Who are you" he said

"Y/n L/n and I need your ship to wait for my captain to come and pick me up" I said getting ready to start fighting again

2 minutes left

I went to hit smoker but he turned into smoke. Smoke doesn't mix with fire very well. I need to use my fire. But if I do it will use up my energy quicker. 'Shit'

I engulf myself in flames. I hit smoker with my wing and he was sent into the wall. I fly to him and pick him to hurriedly put him in the water.  But one of the marine soldiers shot a sea prism stone net and I fall to the ground feeling ill. I just lay their breathing hard.

"I wouldn't keep me locked up if I were you" I said to smoker who was now next to the net

"Uh huh. Sure" he said not listening

I'm thrown into a jail sell with sea prism stone hand cuffs. I decided to nap. I will need my energy for when I escape.

~~ Zoros POV~~

Where is she. It's been longer than 30 minutes. This isn't good. If she ran out of energy she would have fallen in the water. If she got caught by the marines than she's also screwed but I'd prefer that than the ocean. That will mean she is still alive and not drowning to the bottom of the ocean.

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