Chapter 11

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~~Y/ns POV~~

I wish finished looking at Brogys and Dorry's wounds when Luffy came and body slammed me. he had wrapped his arms around my body before we hit the ground. I rub my head and look up to see Luffy over top of me. he then leaned in and put his face in the crook of my neck.

"L-Luffy what's going on?" I ask flustered

"you scared me! booger man had shot you with his booger bombs and you hit the wall and passed out. I couldn't stop them from taking you and Vivi. and when I came here and seeing you trapped in that wax... I got angry" Luffy said hugging me

my face got really red. 'damnit Luffy! why do you have to make me feel this way' I thought.

"I'm fine Luffy. I just hit the wall too hard and got knocked out. and they had to put me in that wax because I kept resisting. thank you for worrying about me but you don't need to do that anymore because I'm going to be strong enough so no one will have to worry about me" I said to Luffy

he gave me one of his big toothy smiles and started getting off me. when he looked down at me he realized my shirt was lifted to my stomach. his face went bright red.

I looked at him confused but I soon realized all I had was a shirt on. my old clothes were torn from transforming. my shirt wasn't covering my lower half anymore. if everyone else was looking they would get a free show. but luckily everyone was talking to the two giants and trying to find a way off the island instead of focusing on me and Luffy. they would have gotten a free show.

my face was even redder now and I move my hands to cover my womanhood. this caused my breasts to be pushed together. the shirt was hanging off my shoulder so a little bit of my right breast was showing. Luffy wouldn't stop staring at me. his face was bright red.

"L-Luffy g-get O-Off!" I said to get trying to wiggle out from beneath him.

"y-yes s-sorry" he said getting up and turning around

I fixed my shirt and went to where everyone else is. Luffy followed not making a sound.

"so there is no way to find the next island" Name said

"you could use our internal pose but it goes to our homeland and y'all would have to fight us for it" Dorry said

"yeah let's not do that" I said

I hear someone coming out of the forest but when I turn around I see Sanji walking toward us. I walk toward him and hit him on the back of the head.


"You're so beautiful when your angry Y/n-swannnnn! but I just came from a weird hut in the forest. y/n you are in dang-." Sanji said

I covered his mouth with my hand and shushed him. I don't need everyone worrying about me right now. we need to get to Alabasta and save Alabasta. that's the top priority.

"I know what you're going to say. Mr three said something about their boss wanting me. I don't know why but we can't worry about that right now. our top priority is Vivi getting to Alabasta to save Alabasta" I said quietly to Sanji

"Y/n I think the others should know. so they can help protect you" Sanji said

"no. please Sanji" I asked

"fine but you should tell them at some point" he said

" I will tell them when the time is right" I said

we both walked over to everyone else and started talking about plans. but Sanji brought out an internal pose to Alabasta. Nami hugged Sanji who ended up having a nose bleed. I giggled at the sight.

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