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A/N - I literally have searched forever and I cannot find when Speirs' child was born. I assume it was near 1944 when he married Margaret, so we are going to run with that for this chapter! And we are also going to run with the two of them getting a divorce prior to him jumping to Normandy. This is not to disrespect them in anyway, as I know that Speirs wanted to make sure people knew he loved his first wife. This is for my story purposes only :)

Lia paused, snapping her head towards the open doorway. The words from Liebgott nearly threw her off balance. Speirs noticed the sudden stop in Lia's body. He hadn't heard what Joe had said and that only caused his confusion to fester. 

"Creed, everything alright?" He spoke slowly, his eyes searching the side of her face. 

Lia stood eerily still and did not attempt to acknowledging his words. Her own eyes lay glued to the door, listening to the men chatter inside. 

"Before seventeen? Wouldn't put it past Creed, though." Another voice muttered, sending Lia barreling through the door.

It smacked against the wall with a loud thud, nearly tearing the thing from its hinges and drew the attention from every soldier in the small room. Lia's eyes sought out Liebgott who leaned up against the small bunk bed and marched up to him. Every man could feel the anger radiating off of her. Most subconsciously backed closer to the far corners of the room. 

"Where is he." She demanded with her eyes locked onto Liebgott's. 

Joe furrowed his eyebrows, glancing over at Heffron. The latter shook his head with wide eyes plastered to the lieutenant. "Ma'am, I'm sorry. Who?" He stumbled over his words. The young  lieutenant grew restless. Speirs watched from the doorway with his arms crossed. This was a side of Lia he didn't want to intervene. 

Lia's voice was pure venom; hatred. She smacked her hand onto the post of the bunk bed and stepped closer to Joe. "The fucking prisoner, Liebgott! Where is he?" 

Joe sunk back away from the clearly furious lieutenant in front of him. Her eyes lay dark, a darkness beyond measure. It was a look none of the men had seen before. It was a look that dragged the deepest parts of their fear for her back. 

"Sink. He had him up at CP."

Lia spun on her heel immediately, moving past Speirs and back out through the door. She heard him calling after her but made no move to turn around. Her mind was set on the prisoner that knew too much about her, and only a small amount knew that history. 

Only the men who did it to her. 

The CP building loomed over her as she closed in on it. Her heart told her to stop, that what was behind those doors was not something she wanted to confront. Her head told her otherwise. 

Lia pushed through the front door and quickly came to a stop in the hallway in front of the first open doorway. Winters and Nixon stood in the room with Piper sitting on a chair across from them. All three pairs of eyes snapped up at the sudden noise. 

Piper noticed Lia's aggressive features first and pushed to stand from the chair. The young blonde knew why she was here, and why she was furious. 

"Lia, I know what you-" Piper started as she approached the lieutenant. 

"Where." Lia's voice was flat, cutting her friend off.

Piper rubbed her hands over her face. "Please, Lia. Just take a seat."

"Piper, where the fuck is he!" 

Piper flinched and retreated back a step, fear finding its way through her body and settling into her bones. Her older companion had never yelled at her, had never made her afraid. Afraid for her life, yes. But never afraid of her. In one sentence, she had done both. Winters and Nixon came to stand behind Piper, curious of the confrontation. Speirs stood behind Lia, watching carefully. 

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