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Warm rays of sun bore into the small house that held the sleeping lieutenant. Lia rolled over, groaning at the building pain in her temples. A small glass of water sat on the nightstand beside her with a small note beneath it. 

Lia downed the water, her dried lips savoring every drop. She picked up the note and recognized Pipers scrawl on the paper. 

                   Went to the mess hall with Luz and Liebgott. Drink some water, you definitely                                        need it. I will not speak about last night unless you want to, but if you ever want                                    to talk about it I am all ears. 

                                                                                                                             ' the strikingly gorgeous sargeant 

Lia rolled her eyes, a small grin gracing her lips. Her eyes moved further down the note. 

                    P.S. A very handsome lieutenant from Dog Company came looking for you                                                this morning. He was very worried about you. Nearly fell on his knees begging                                        to come check on you himself. 

Lia could almost see the smirk on Piper's face as she was writing it. She set the note back down on the nightstand, reminding herself to get back at her friend later. 

Her head throbbed with a small pain. She drank on multiple occasions whilst fighting in the war, but never being fully pulled from the line, she had never gone too far. Last night was an exception. 

She walked down the now bustling streets of Aldbourne, a complete change of scenery from her drunken adventure the night prior. Soldiers flew by, some with their arms slung around the pretty women of the town. 

Some of the men offered her a smile, along with a swift "ma'am" as they passed. 

Another pair of footsteps dropped in line with hers. She glanced up, seeing Speirs walking with her. "Morning." She said with a soft nod. 

He dropped his head to face her, giving the lieutenant a smile. "Feeling alright this morning, Lieutenant?" Emphasizing her rank with a playful tone. He searched her face, not missing the puffy eyes that remained on her face. Speirs wanted to stop them both right there and drag her in for an embrace. It was a struggle not to.

A smile found its way onto Lia's own face. She emphasized his rank the same way, mocking him. "Drop it, Lieutenant." 

The pair walked the rest of the way in a comfortable silence until they came upon the mess hall, where they bid each other goodbye and headed their separate ways. Piper was here, as she had written on her note, and Lia hoped she'd catch the young girl alone. If only to thank her for the night prior.  

She wasn't. 

Piper sat at a table with Randleman, Martin, Toye, Liebgott, and Luz. Lia made a move to leave the hall until Piper called out to her. 

"Lia!" She met the girls eyes, who pleaded with the lieutenant. "Come on over here." 

Lia blew out a breath. She knew this was Piper's way at trying to give her some support after the night prior, to get the lieutenant around the men. After a moment, she stalked over to the table and dropped herself down next to Randleman. A chorus of 'morning ma'am' strung up from around the table. Lia nodded back at all of them, sending a 'morning' back. 

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