Billy Russo| Love

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Warnings: Fluff I DONT DO AGGRESSIVE SMUT OK I'm only 13 😅
and I have copied this from my tumblr acc because I got really pleasant with that story so hope you enjoy my name there is loverofadrkling go and follow me if you want <3

You and Billy where watching Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix. You had asked Billy if he wanted to watch a movie with you and he had gladly said yes, so here you where sitting on the couch watching Harry Potter in your and Billy's apartment.

1:56:45 in the movie
"No." You said sadly, it was the part when Sirius died. Billy stroke your arm and then kissed your four head softly. You watches as Remus holds Harry and Harry screams "Why have they muted the scream" Billy asks "I don't actually know" you said truly and lays your head on his shoulder.

2:10:35in the movie
You where very tired now, your eyes where fighting to stay open. Billy looks down at you "Are you tired my love" he asks and strokes his hand over your cheek you nodded and he laughs slightly and turn the TV off and then pike's you up bride style.

He lays you down on your bed and then takes your clothes of because he saw that you where to tired to do that yourself and then takes his of and lays down beside you "Good night darling" he says "Good night, handsome" you said tiredly. He smiles at you and then you both drift of to sleep.

In the morning you woke up of a hot breath on your neck. You groaned and then turned smiling around. Billy was sleeping there peacefully, oh god he is beautiful when he sleeps, you kiss his lips and then his nose and you saw how a smile formed on his lips "Do that again" he said his eyes still closed. You did as he said and kissed his lips but you didn't come any further because he started snogging you.

You where laying above him he was still snogging you ruffly "Billy.." you whispered in the kiss "Mmm" he hums and then you broken apart to get air in your lung's and then starts again. His hands where on your waist and your hands where in his hair, his soft black hair "Billy" you groaned in the kiss "Your lips taste good love" now you smiled "And yours to" you said biting his under lip, now was it his turn to groan "I love you" he said "I love you to"

• END •

Ben Barnes• 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲༯Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora