Day of the Earth: The Firey Fate

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Chapter 1

In the year 5025, the people of the galaxy were at peace. After the recent Galaxy Civil War ended with the destruction of the Great Dragon and the death of the Elder, the nations had begun reconstruction. Earth, Trintin, and Hanifor had seen the most action of the war and were currently still recovering and had just finished moving all the hulks of destroyed ships, fighters, bombers and more junk out of their Quickspace lanes in order for travel to start up again. Granted there was so much destruction in the space above these planets that it would take a while to clear it all but at least it was out of the way for now.

...Washington DC, destroyed White House...

Jim watched as the workers finished off the repairs for the Presidential Office and they now moved on to work on the remaining White House. He walked out of the main door (that had just been replaced) and walked down the main steps (that also had just been replaced) and walked to an ATSV and got in the passenger seat, a soldier driving and another on the machine gun turret. They arrived at the main base for FELIX (the lead information unit of the UNPE) and he got out and walked inside the large building (it went unscathled during the war somehow). He headed to his personal office, up on the top floor and he sat down at his desk, pulled out papers, and sighed as he had to run a report.

...UNNS Destroyer Patton, Earth Defense Fleet 2, space above Earth...

Captain Jake Meede watched the rest of the 2nd Earth Defence fleet and sighed, sitting back down in his chair. The UNPE got soft after the war ended he thought and then his new ship AI (they became a requirement for every ship after Cortius, the Earth's Might AI, was super effective) popped up on the holotable. "I can't help but notice that you're annoyed." GENE (an AI names itself) told him. "Yes, because I feel like the UNPE got soft after the war." Jake replied to the AI and the computer crossed its hands. "Hey, at least we AREN'T in a war currently-" The AI suddenly disappeared and the lights on the ship flickered. Captain Jake stood up and looked at Lieutenant Conner, his power control officer who was just as confused as he was. Then a large crack rang throughout the ship. Then they felt the oxygen run out and then everything went black.

The other ships saw the lights on the Patton go out and one ship went over and docked with the ship. Several marines went on and headed into the airlock. As soon as it opened they saw floating bodies as they started to float (the artificial gravity in the ship had gone down). It appeared to be a huge blackout on the ship, and it caused the oxygen to run low, but something didn't make sense...the air wouldn't run out that fast. They made their way through the ship and came back out with the same info, that it was most likely a large blackout. Then another destroyer came up to replace the loss in the 2nd defence fleet.

Jim read the report about the blackout and sighed as he placed it back down. He got up and went out of his office and towards the shipyards. He entered the bridge of the Earth's Might and sat down in his chair. He could see that his bridge crew was already there (at their stations) after being called. They powered up the ship and had to wait 3 hours for the engine, after being idle for a year, to restart. They talked amongst themselves while waiting and Jim clutched the railing and he then saw Cortius appear next to him, hands clasped behind his back, watching the other ships in the sky.

...4 hours later...

After 3 hours the engine started up and they took off, heading into the space above earth and they spent the last hour searching around for the cause of the blackout. They then docked with the Destroyer and Jim suited up, along with some marines and two EIUs. They then made their way into the airlock, and then they lifted off the ground as the doors opened again. They switched on their flashlights and headlamps as they moved into the ship. They could see (dead) floating crew members and trash around the hangar that they were in. They slowly made their way to the bridge and entered it. There was frost on the glass and it blocked out the lights from other ships. They could see the bridge crew members, some strapped to their seats, and others floating around the room. The original team of marines that had boarded the ship were still investigating and they switched on their coms. "What the heck happened here?" one said, "I dunno but the ship's AI is going crazy, the captain's dead, and so is everybody else here." another answered as Jim went over to them. He could see that they had the AI chip in their hands, the hologram glitching and flashing red. The ship's AI was a robed figure (they choose how they looked) that had no face underneath the hood, just darkness. It turned to Jim (glitchily) and raised it's fist and opened its mouth to speak, when the chip frizzled out and the hologram was shut off. Jim ordered the marines and two EIUs to stay here and secure the crew's bodies for retrieval along with any information that they find. He made his way back to the Earth's Might and they undocked when he got to the bridge. As soon as they undocked, a Crystalian destroyer jumped into the system, followed by two more and they made their way towards the fleet. Jim sighed as he ordered Lieutenant Calion to move the ship in for the attack. Several splinter groups of the Crystalian nation had formed and were now trying to continue the war with the limited resources they had. They would paint their ships red, blue, green, and yellow, instead of the normal light purple of the Crystalian fleets. These ships were blue, they were from the Crystal Order, the largest of the splinter factions. They then opened fire at the Earth's Might, their weapons doing barely anything against the huge and powerful ship and its shields. Lieutenant Morn then fired the SHPC guns at the small ships, and they blew up with the hits on them, and the small attack was over in a matter of minutes. Jim shook his head as he watched the destroyed ships break apart and as small fires broke out. The war is OVER, why do they persist? Jim thought as he watched his bridge crew go back to work, keeping the ship in order. Jim then saw as the Rolling Thunder, in the middle of the 1st Defence fleet (Jim had placed it in command of the Earth Defence during the war, because of the ship's skill and all of the veterans on board), as it was docked with the ISS2 (The first international space station was destroyed during the disaster of 5022, yes it was still going strong during that time, and then a new ISS was created after the large event, and this one is larger), refueling. It then undocked and it's engines flared to life as the massive ship went back to its position in the fleet. Jim sighed as he remembered fighting alongside that ship, those were the good days of the Rolling Thunder, where it wasn't stuck on patrol duties and things like that. In fact, most of the ships in the 3 Earth Defense Fleets are veterans of the war, placed in the fleet because of their skill. Jim then noticed a small Quickspace jump out of the corner of his eye and turned towards it. There was a small ship, about half the size of a UNPE destroyer, and it was powered by three engines. It's right engine was destroyed and there were flames inside the bridge and it showed signs of more battle damage. It raced at full speed towards the UNNS Johansson (a destroyer) smashing into the cruiser with tremendous force, even making the large cruiser list to the port, it's shields down and small fires breaking out on deck. The bridge crew suddenly went to work giving out orders and Jim stood up and clutched the rail as he watched the damaged cruiser list. Just a year ago today, the Galaxy Civil War had ended yet another one could be just starting. Then two more ships jumped into the system, these ones Calordun Empire Battleships, on fire and damaged, one of the two listing slightly to starboard and two if the engines down. Then, as they rushed towards the UNPE Earth fleets, two Crystalian carriers, with four destroyers (colored blue) jumped into the system firing at the Calordun ships. Then fighters and bombers launched from the two carriers and they chased down the battleships. Jim ordered UNPE fighters and bombers to launch, along with the Calordun Empire ships to be allowed passage towards Earth. The two battleships passed by the fleet as the UNPE fighters and bombers engaged the Crystal Order ships. "Lieutenant Morn, fire at those ships!" Jim ordered and his officer smiled as he turned to his screen, ''Get off my turf!" he said as he fired the weapons. They pounded against the shields of the ships as they fired back, barely doing anything to the UNPE flagship. Then, as a Crystal Order destroyer went down, blowing up and splitting in half, two cruisers jumped into the system and started firing at the fleet, who fired back. Then five more destroyers jumped in behind them, joining in on the battle, firing every weapon they had. The other three destroyers attacking the Earth's Might went down and the two carriers were bombed by the UNPE bombers and they lost their flight decks. Then, out of nowhere, a Crystal Order battleship, seriously battle damaged, jumped into the system right next to the Earth's Might and rammed into the giant ship, causing the shields to drop to 89%. Then the two carriers, now unable to launch craft, turned towards the space stations orbiting the planet and rushed towards them, firing what little weapons they had, before ramming into the nearest two, causing both carriers and the two space stations to explode. Jim slammed his fist down on his console in anger and looked at the other Crystal Order ships. Then they all gasped as they saw something jump into the system. It was a large crystal ship, slightly bigger than a battleship, but it still had the diamond shape to it as most did. This one had blue stripes running down the sides, along with a large metal skull, formed by twisted metal, in the center of it, the jaw opened in a scream. The eyes were glowing green as it headed slowly into the battle. Then, following the large ship, twenty destroyers, ten cruisers, 2 battleships, and 4 carriers jumped into the system in front of the large ship, engaging the UNPE 1st defence fleet while the strange ship moved forward. Jim then saw that the tip was longer and had a long trench running down the middle. The skull in the middle of the ship rotated until it was facing forward and the mouth was lined up with the trench, before the skull's mouth started to glow green. It then fired a large green plasma laser at the ISS2 (International Space Station 2), completely blowing up the huge station. "ALL SHIPS FIRE ON THAT SHIP!" Jim ordered the fleet through the coms, and the 2nd and 3rd defence fleets turned towards the strange skull ship. Then as a UNPE destroyer fired a SHPC round, it hit the shielding of the ship but did no visible damage. Then the 2 fleets opened fire, pounding down the heavy shielding very quickly and soon the ship was no more than just a small debris field, utterly destroyed by the combined force of the 200 ships in the two fleets. The remaining battleship (heavily damaged) and 2 destroyers along with a single cruiser (all three other ships lightly damaged) turned and jumped away from the system. Jim sighed as he surveyed the damage, expecting heavy losses among the fleet, but was surprised. Only 2 destroyers and a single cruiser were lost in the fight, with very few ships being slightly damaged. The UNNS Johansson, was a different story though. It was listing badly and the fires had gotten out of control, the impact spot on the ship (where the small ship had hit the destroyer) was badly damaged and the ship was limping back towards an repair station. Other than the lost ships, the Johansson, and the lightly damaged ships, everything was okay and two destroyers, led by a cruiser, jumped into the system to replace the losses. Jim smiled as he heard that their shields had recharged to full again and he leaned back in his chair. Although they had lost two secondary stations, AND the ISS2 during the fight, and they had lots of men and women on board them. But he was told that the escape pods had been launched on all three. Half the crew of the ISS2, along two-thirds of both crew on the secondary stations had made it out. Jim stood up and walked over to the star map, where Captain Trondorn was standing, watching the fleet movements. Jim watched as the Crystal Order ships that retreated jumped into an asteroid field and then jumped away towards the edge of the known galaxy, where they suddenly disappeared off the star map. Jim was confused but paid it no matter, for now, Earth was safe. He then heard a small battle ping (represented by a red dot on the star map) and saw that the Crystal Order had engaged in a fight with the Holy Golden Order (the yellow colored Crystal ships). Then he saw another battle ping and this time it was the Green Glow (the green colored ships) engaged with the Red Storm (the red colored ships, and the second largest splinter faction). He sighed as he watched the four warring factions. The Crystalian Nation was still around, but was weakened by the end of the Civil war and the splinter factions forming, and they still resided in their corner of the galaxy. He then saw that the Blue Order had claimed victory against the Holy Golden Order and the Red Storm had defeated the Green Glow fleet, which was its only fleet, therefore eliminating the Green Glow from the group of splinter factions. Jim watched as the Red Storm and the Blue Order raced towards Trintin, unaware that they were heading towards the 3 NEW defence fleets surrounding the planet. Jim ordered Calion to set course for Trintin and he turned back towards the Star Map and he watched as the Holy Golden Order retreated back towards their little planet they controlled.

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