Day of the Earth: A New Dawn

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Chapter 1:

Erwin Stromson sat at the table with his mother and father, eating lunch. His father was talking to his mother about something, but Erwin had zoned out at this point. As he took another bite of corn, an explosion rocked their house, knocking the Stromsons to the ground. As they stood up, another explosion caused them to stumble. They ran outside their home and lined the street along with several of their neighbors. The UNPE army had tanks rolling down the street, with soldiers talking to families. A soldier ran up to them and lowered his rifle. "Gather your essentials and get ready to move in 15 minutes, remain calm and when your done packing, head over to the captain, he'll explain what's going on!" The soldier moved on to another family as the Stromsons moved to pack.

Erwin was standing next to his father as they had their packed stuff and walked over to the UNPE Captain. "What's going on?" His father asked, and the captain turned to him. "We're under attack by the Galvons, please load your gear onto the truck and step onto the transport, we'll get you all to safety." He directed some more soldiers as they did as they were told to do. As they sat down on the transport, the city, a bit of a ways away from his suburban neighborhood, large explosions could be seen. "We're gonna be fine, right?" His mother asked his father. Suddenly, a UNPE destroyer fell through the clouds, heavily damaged and missing an engine. It smashed down into a skyscraper, causing the massive building to collapse as the ship exploded, causing the civilians to gasp. As two soldiers took the last two seats on the transport, a laser bolt hit the soldier on the right in the neck, causing him to choke and grasp his neck, blood gushing out of the wound. He fell onto the deck of the transport, the other soldier tending to him. Suddenly, Galvons rushed out from behind the bend of the street and engaged with the UNPE soldiers. "GET THE TRANSPORT MOVING!" The captain shouted as the driver started rolling it forward. A Galvon warrior drew his sword and rushed at the transport, climbing on, only to get shot in the head by the lone soldier on the transport. He kicked the alien corpse of the transport as it started speeding away, the gunfire and explosions getting quieter and quieter. A medic tended to the mortally wounded soldier as the second soldier sat down on the bench and took off his helmet, running a gloved hand through his sweaty hair. Erwin watched as the medic patched the injured man up and then he looked up at the sky. He could see the fleet protecting the planet being attacked by the Galvon fleet. Suddenly, a task force lead by a massive ship emerged from Quickspace. "Look!" Erwin shouted and everybody looked at the task force. "That's the UNPE flagship, Commander J. Conner has arrived! The Galvons are doomed now!" The soldier said. The new UNPE task force engaged the Galvon fleet, destroying them as a new defense fleet jumped into the system. The task force then jumped away as several UNPE destroyers came into orbit and bombarded the city, that was overrun with Galvons. A space transport then landed in the open field they were in and, as more transports came, loaded them all onto the ship. Erwin felt the craft take off as they finished loading and it brought them all to the new station that has jumped into orbit.

Erwin was sitting on a bench as his parents were talked to about a new living situation until their neighbor hood was cleaned up. Then a soldier sat down next to him, it was the same soldier from the transport. They sat in silence until Erwin looked at him, "Is your job difficult?" And the soldier laughed. "You have no idea. It's easy when your on a sleepy backwater planet but out here in the front lines, it's brutal. But we could always use more hands in the military, if you'd wanna join." And with those words, Erwin made a pact with himself.

Several years later, after the war ended...

Erwin sat at his desk, bored out of his mind reading reports. After signing up for the military a while back, he had eventually been promoted to colonel of the Elite 132nd Brigade. Suddenly the door burst open as a private rushed into the door, saluting. "Sir, General Wainmire has given us new orders! We are to report to the Earth's Might, I was given no reason why." the private told him. "That's strange, usually marines are loaded onto ships. Well alert the Brigade and tell them to start packing their gear and loading the Armour." Erwin said as the soldier walked out to deliver the orders. He stood up and quickly packed his belongings and army equipment and walked out to load it into his jeep.

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