Chapter 3

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As they were driving through The Tottington Hall gates, Wallace said "very classy, just a sort of client we should be dealing with, hey guys?"

They stopped at the front of the mansion, got out of the van, as Wallace was about to grab a rabbit, they looked up and saw lots and lots of rabbits everywhere in the yard

"Burrowing bounders!" Wallace surprised "they must be breeding like... well, rabbits. Only one thing for it, lad"

Gromit pushed the button, the van opened and their invention BunVac 6000 came up

As the invention was starting, the bunny were sucked down their hole and went in the BunVac 6000

"Champion soccer aye guys?" Wallace said "The BunVac 6000, this will her ladyship"

Then the BunVac 6000 was trying to get something pretty hard, Wallace said "sounds like a really big brute, this one. Give it some more welly" Wallace said

Gromit switch it to suck and they saw something big coming to them but then got stuck in the nozzle

"Maybe I should have used a big nozzle" Wallace thought

"Ah Anti-Pesto, you're here" Lady Tottington said

"Your ladyship" Wallace said as he took his hat off

"My darlings" Lady Tottington said and she went to them, Wallace thought she would kiss him so he puckered up but she went to the machine "you're safe, my word a fabulous job you've done and not a single one harm"

"Aah, the old BV6000, Ma'am, err... capable of 125 rpm - that's rabbits per minute" Wallace explains to Lady Tottington

"How inspired, uh Mr?" she said

"Oh uh Wallace" he said

"Mr. Wallace" she said, he nodded and she noticed Grace "and who you might be, young child?"

"I'm Grace, your ladyship" Grace introduces herself

"Grace, what a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl" Lady Tottington said as she puts her hand on Grace's cheek while Wallace smiled at them "so Mr. Wallace, is this all of them?"

"Oh just one left" he said "pull her up, Gromit"

Gromit switches it, the nozzle went up and it was a man, Wallace immediately signal him to turn it off and so he did and the man fell off the nozzle, he was covered in dirt, so the man's dog licked him clean

"Victor, stop rolling around in the dirt and come to take a look at this" Lady Tottington said "the ingenious anti-pesto have completely dealt with my rabbit problem, isn't it marvellous?"

"Marvellous? Marvellous?" Victor said as he went very close to Wallace "this compounded contraption that should have suffocate me. Besides, the jobs only half done, how do you intend to finish this vermin off? Crush 'em? Liquidize 'em"

"They're humane" Lady Tottington said

"Humane?! well then perhaps there'd be humane enough to give back my dignity, I want..." Victor said and then in a lowers voice "... toupée, please"

"Oh, grand. We take cheques or cash" Wallace said

"Oh brother" Grace said as she palms her face of embarrassment

"Toupée, you idiot! My hair is in your machine" Victor said

"Oh, no, it's only rabbits in there. The hare, I think you'll find, is a much larger mammal" Wallace said

"Oh, out of my way, you!" Victor said as he push Wallace out of his way, opened the Bunvacc, took his toupee and placed it on his head and said to Lady Tottington "I'm sorry, my lady. But I refuse to suffer any more humiliation at the hands of these blundering nitwits"

As he was saying that his toupee turns out to be a black rabbit, Lady Tottington and Grace held their laughter as Wallace tries to tell him

"I therefore bid you good day!" Victor said, he left and the black bunny waved at them

As Wallace, Gromit and Grace were back in the van, Lady Tottington said "thank you for ridding me a real problem, Mr. Wallace. Tell me, what exactly you'll do with all these rabbits?"

"Oh uh, trade secret, heh, heh" Wallace said

"Yes I'd be happy to let them roam free if it wasn't for the competition, but they do so love their veg" Lady Tottington "It's in their little bunny natures and you can't change that, can you?"

"No" Wallace said as he and lady Tottington laugh, she leaves, he gasped with an idea as he started the gas "or can you?"

Grace's Adventure With Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-RabbitWhere stories live. Discover now