Chapter 9

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"Well, let's see how he likes it" Lady Tottington said, she closes the tent, turns around and got worried when she sees Wallace "Wallace?"

Gromit and Grace were with him, the rabbits came in, Wallace was injured from the fall, he tried to stay conscious but he took his last breath and closed his eyes. Then he started back transform back into his human form

Gromit and Grace were trying so hard not to cry

"Oh Gromit, Grace, well at least now, he's at peace, the rabbit's gone" Lady Tottington said when she was between them "if only there were a way to bring back Wallace"

Everyone cried including the rabbits

"Hee, hee, hee" Hutch said when he was eating cheese "lovely cheese, Gromit"

Grace gasped with an idea and ran to Hutch

"Grace?" Lady Tottington said

Grace grabbed one with strong and Hutch said "don't forget the crackers"

She brought it over to Wallace, starting waving the cheese in front of Wallace's nose

Wallace's nose started twitching and started sniffing

"Cheese?" Wallace said as he opened his eyes

Everyone gasped and Wallace took a bite

"Cheese! It's me again I'm back!" Wallace said and he got up "Gromit, Grace, you clever mutt and kid, well done you two"

The three of them joined together with a hug while the rabbits were celebrating

"Totty" Wallace said after he lets go of Gromit and Grace

"Wallace! You're-Oh" Lady Tottington chuckled

Everyone realize that Wallace was naked, Grace immediately covered her eyes till Gromit quickly put a large box to cover Wallace and he thanked him

"Oh look" Lady Tottington saw the golden carrot on the ground and so she picked it up "well I think you deserve this Gromit for a brave and splendid melon, we've all got a lot to thank you for" and gave the golden carrot to Gromit

"Way to go, Gromit" Grace said as she hugs him

"Ha ha, every dog has his day" Wallace said as he rubs Gromit's head

"And thank you Wallace, you save me from a terrible marriage" Lady Tottington said and she turns to the rabbits "all the same, it's going to be rather lonely at Tottington Hall now"

Then she had an idea and said "unless. I have a little proposal for you, Wallace" and it made Wallace a bit nervous

The next day, they were at the Tottington Hall

"I'm so thrilled you agreed to go through with this" Lady Tottington said

"My pleasure, Totty" Wallace said, making Lady Tottington giggle "one for the album, Gromit"

Gromit was about to take a picture, then Lady Tottington pulled the rope from a curtain, reveling a sign that said
"Tottington Bunny Sanctuary"

"I declare this bunny sanctuary officially open" Lady Tottington said and Gromit snapped the picture as the rabbits and Grace applauded

"When you're ready, lad, fire up the old BV6000" Wallace said to Gromit

Gromit pulled the level for blow, releasing all the rabbits into the fields

"Oh it's simply marvelous, my home a safe haven for all thing fluffy" Lady Tottington said "I do hope you'll still come and visit Wallace, I'd rather got used to having you around"

"Oh well there'll be always be a part of me here at Tottington Hall" Wallace said, making Lady Tottington surprise "give it some more welly, lad"

Gromit nodded, pulled the lever up to maximum power, making the ground shake and then Hutch popped out of to the hole and flew to the air


Then the wind came, making everyone confused and a little bit scared

"What's going on?! What is this?!" Lady Tottington said

Then the light appeared, Wallace gasped and said "that's the light that Grace came out of few days ago"

"Yeah and it's taking me back to the orphanage" Grace said "it was nice meeting you all"

"Be a good girl in there, okay?" Wallace said

"I will Wallace" Grace said then the wind dragged her into the light and it disappeared

Grace was back in her room, the light disappeared and she was so exhausted that she crashed onto her bed

"Hey Grace" Martha said when she opened the fire and sees her so exhausted "woah, I bet the chores must of tired you out"

"Huh? What?" Grace said when she looked up to Martha "oh yeah"

"MARTHA, WHERE ARE YOU?" Miss Fickle yells from outside of Grace's room "THE KITCHEN NEEDS TO BE CLEANED"

"I gotta go sweetie, bye" Martha said, closes the door and left

Grace sighed and puts her head back down to her bed


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Grace's Adventure With Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-RabbitWhere stories live. Discover now