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ok, so i kissed him. whats the problem? he didnt say anything and he did see me naked yesterday, so what? it was just a little cheek kiss.


you try to stop thinking about it, but it plays in your head time after time since waking up, brushing your teeth and eating breakfast.

even when you were assigned your own training style, you couldnt stop thinking about it.

you were beside tsu, and while she stretched her tongue to climb up, they made you connect your strings to a tree on the same cliff, and somehow climb up using your strings as holders.

you connected up to a tree and started climbing, but even though the strings helped you, they were still tight on your fingers.

oh shit damn right.

you stopped working and turned around returning to the common area.

is it weird if i speak to him now?

you found aizawa with your eyes and walked over slowly, looking at your fingers.

even if i didnt kiss him i would need my fingers taped. but... would he refuse?

"aizawa..." the teacher turned around to you, and ducked down his head.

"{Y/N}" he greets curtly, not saying anything.

but i see you ducking down into your scarf. youre blushing.

"could you... tape up my fingers?" you ask, raising your hands infront of your face, showing them to him.

"oh right. yes. follow me" he says, motioning for you to walk beside him into the building again, and into the lounge.

he walks away and returns with white tape, and sits down beside you on the sofa.

you offer your hand and he takes it so gently.

"each fingers individually?" he asks, and you hum.

he goes ahead and start taping them gently and carefully, each finger not too thin nor thick, and closes them up perfectly.

"i was wondering... does each of your fingers control different things?" he asks, his voice so quiet it sounds intimate.

"if i control a person, then yes. each finger ties to a different limb or throat, so i can control a human like a doll by pulling on each finger seperatly. really like a... marionette and a pupeteer" you explain slowly, talking so lowly to keep the mood.

"and when you train on the cliff, hows it going?" he asks.

"if it was a tree or a pole i could swing myself around, but with the cliff i can only connect to a tree and use it as a bit of leverage climbing up"

"so maybe we should move you to training in the forest, you can keep swinging the tree and things like that" he offers.

"oh, yes! that sounds better for me!" you smile, nodding.

but he still didnt finish taping all of your fingers, so you just sit there in silence now, watching his warm hands work around yours.

"there. you can go to the forest now. stay close" he says, standing up and you after him.

"ok thank you"

you stand there for a second, and he sighs and looks to the side, hiding his face with his hair.

"you have really soft... lips" he mummbles.

your eyes almost bugger out.

"i-i... err, thank you" you mummble, looking down yourself and biting your lips.

the addict and the hero (aizawa x reader)(bnha x reader)Where stories live. Discover now